Urban Strongest System/C18 Xiao San's Daughter
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Urban Strongest System/C18 Xiao San's Daughter
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C18 Xiao San's Daughter

Wait a minute, after hanging up, Luo Ning started to feel troubled. He didn't have Su Xiaoyan's picture, nor did he know where she was going.

Luo Ning opened WeChat. Although Su Xiaoyan was added, but Su Xiaoyan seemed to never play on WeChat. Her Wechat Moment was empty, and Luo Ning finally found a few photos of her in class.

Luo Ning couldn't do anything about it. It seemed like he could only find a chance to secretly take a picture. Coincidentally, the first afternoon was sports class, so it was a good opportunity to secretly take pictures.

In the afternoon gym class, Luo Ning didn't practice Taekwondo or run. He kept his eyes on Su Xiaoyan from the corner of his eyes. Luckily, secretly taking pictures of Su Xiaoyan was not difficult at all.

Su Xiaoyan sat in the stands with her head down, reading a book. Luo Ning was sitting not far away from Su Xiaoyan on purpose. It wasn't hard to take pictures, but the angle was a little troublesome.

Luo Ning tried taking two shots, both of them were side faces and looked like he could recognize them. Just to be safe, Luo Ning changed his angle and took a few more shots. Then he ran to the other side as if nothing had happened and took a few more photos.

Lili hadn't noticed the whole shooting, but what Luo Ning didn't know was that someone had seen it.

That person was in the same class as Su Linxue before the class was divided. She had a good relationship with Su Linxue, so of course she would tell Su Linxue about this right after class.

After Su Linxue finished listening, her face turned ugly. "You dare to snatch that bitch's daughter from me?"

It took Luo Ning a long time to get a reply from Yan Feng after he had sent the photo.

Yan Feng only sent an emoji of a scissor, which Luo Ning thought was enough.

After school, Su Xiaoyan packed her schoolbag and left the school. Not long after she left, she was blocked by a few girls.

Naturally, these were Su Linxue's sisters. When Su Linxue saw Su Xiaoyan appear, she quickly walked over.

Su Xiaoyan looked at them with a puzzled expression. She had already kept a distance from them on normal days, so why would they come and cause trouble for her?

At this moment, the half-baked private investigator, Yan Feng, still hadn't arrived.

Yan Feng had calculated the time, but he forgot the peak of the night because it was still blocked.

Su Linxue looked at Su Xiaoyan coldly. That was the gaze Su Xiaoyan was most afraid of.

"What's your relationship with Luo Ning?" Su Linxue's tone was as cold as her gaze.

"Luo Ning?" If it wasn't for Luo Ning's help last time, Su Xiaoyan would never have remembered Luo Ning in her class. Luo Ning had already helped her twice, and Su Xiaoyan could only thank him in return.

"He's just my classmate." Su Xiaoyan replied in a low voice.

"Is that so? It's just a classmate, then why did he secretly take pictures of you? " Su Linxue looked at her with her eyes wide open, and said, "Let me tell you, Su Xiaoyan, if it wasn't for your mother, that slut, do you think you would be able to live in my house? Don't forget your status! You are the daughter of a mistress! I'm warning you to stay away from Luo Ning, otherwise I won't let you down! "

"She really is the same kind of person as her mother. She just likes other people's men. Slut!" Su Linxue snorted coldly and left with her group of sisters.

Su Xiaoyan clenched her fists tightly, unable to refute what she had said to Su Linxue.

Indeed, Su Xiaoyan's mother was Xiao San, and she passed away in a car accident a year ago. Su Linxue's father felt guilty and accepted Su Xiaoyan into his Su Family, but Su Xiaoyan was not treated well in the Su Family.

In the eyes of the Su Family people, Su Xiaoyan was an abnormal person, a proof that they cheated. Other than her father, everyone else in the Su Family people felt that she was an unclean person, because she was the product of that kind of relationship.

So, whatever Su Family did to Su Xiaoyan, Su Xiaoyan could understand, because she was the daughter of the person who almost destroyed their family.

Later on, under the arrangements of Su Linxue's mother, Su Xiaoyan moved out to live. Although she said it was to be independent, it was actually Su Xiaoyan's compromise.

Su Xiaoyan wanted to cry, but her trembling body finally resisted the urge to show weakness. She had cried too much in the past, but no one would pity her.

Yan Feng arrived on a bicycle and saw Su Xiaoyan from a distance. After all, there weren't many people coming home in the afternoon.

Yan Feng heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, he got off the car and changed to a shared bike just now. Otherwise, he would have missed it.

When Yan Feng saw Su Xiaoyan, he frowned. Su Xiaoyan had her head lowered and seemed to have something weighing on her mind.

It wasn't that Yan Feng hadn't thought about why Luo Ning wanted him to protect her, but he came to the conclusion that this girl was Luo Ning's girlfriend. Yan Feng was a pretty good girl when he saw Su Xiaoyan from a distance.

"Sigh, being rich is good. Being able to talk about such a cute girlfriend in high school." Yan Feng recalled his high school years and sighed helplessly. "The times are improving."

Yan Feng left his bike and followed him. He didn't need his bike anymore.

Luo Ning didn't even know what happened after school because he had to go to the gym to train for the Taekwondo competition.

But honestly speaking, with Luo Ning's current skills, he didn't need to train at all. Luo Ning was just putting on an act.

On the contrary, after Luo Ning defeated Faang Tao last time, he attracted a lot of girls. Luo Ning swept his eyes over the girls who were watching and did not find Su Linxue. Luo Ning had a bad premonition.

Luo Ning found an excuse to make a phone call and Yan Feng quickly answered the phone. He said that he was already following Su Xiaoyan and nothing had happened.

Luo Ning heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like he had been worrying too much.

After over an hour of training, the sky outside the gymnasium had almost turned dark.

Luo Ning walked on the rubber track. At this time, a few boys in sports clothes had already started running.

When one of them saw Luo Ning, a whistle sounded. He didn't rush out like the others, but slowly stood up and walked towards Luo Ning.

He walked with his back against the light. It wasn't until he walked up to Luo Ning that he could clearly see his appearance.

He had wet hair, and his whole body smelled of sweat. He had developed leg muscles and a wild and unruly expression. He could be considered handsome in a long time. There were quite a few girls who stared at his back from the side of the track.

Luo Ning recognized him. The captain of the track and field team, Hao Mingfeng, was a famous figure in the school. He had a good relationship with Shen Yiming because the only one who could be considered his opponent in this school was Shen Yiming.

Hao Mingfeng and Shen Yiming felt a deep sense of mutual appreciation.

"I heard you covered all of Shen Yiming's projects?" Hao Mingfeng still had his arrogant tone.

Luo Ning nodded and asked back, "Yes, what's the matter?"

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