Urban Urban Medical Immortal/C6 Han yichen's medical skill
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Urban Urban Medical Immortal/C6 Han yichen's medical skill
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C6 Han yichen's medical skill

"If we say that it's not there at all, how could it be true?" Han Yichen laughed self-deprecatingly, and said: "I need thirty thousand! As long as I can cure your illness, I hope you can give me 30,000 yuan directly! After all, looking at your identity, you must be a rich young lady. "For example, your private car, is a 2 million RMB BMW …"

"Enough, don't say anymore. I believe in you."

Miss Wu felt that this Han Yichen, was going overboard with his words and could not help but interrupt him. Originally, they wanted to believe him, but as he spoke, they began to doubt them. But now, she had already decided to treat Han Yichen alive, and let this Han Yichen treat his illness.

Han Yichen immediately laughed, and said: "I believe in myself too."

Miss Wu looked at him with white eyes, feeling slightly angry in his heart: What kind of confession is this?

The driver of the BMW walked over and asked, "Sir, where are we going for the treatment?"

Han Yichen raised his gaze, looked left and right, and said: "Since this is the hospital, then we will not leave. "Just find a random ward and it'll be fine."

When the doctor heard this, he almost vomited blood.

"Brat, what do you mean? If your medical skills are inadequate, and the Miss Wu dies in our hospital, we will be held responsible … "

But before the doctor could finish speaking, Miss Wu and her driver looked over. After the doctor reacted, he awkwardly smiled and said, "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I'm just saying... I just want to say that, in comparison, it is indeed only our hospital, which is the best environment to treat Miss Wu's illnesses. "

Now, even if they felt that Han Yichen had some tricks up his sleeves, as doctors, they could only resign to their fate.

Han Yichen laughed disdainfully, and said: "Immediately provide an independent ward for Miss Wu."

The doctor stared at him, but in the end, he could only weakly sigh and say, "Ok."

The ward was indeed independent.

After the driver of the BMW helped the Miss Wu enter, Han Yichen looked around and realised that there were a lot of doctors hiding in the darkness. Moreover, some of their faces appeared to be middle-aged. It could be seen that the senior doctors of this hospital were all hiding around. The reason was simple, if anything were to happen to Miss Wu during the treatment, they would immediately rush in and save him.

Han Yichen could not help but laugh contemptuously, and said: "Haha! Even though they all hate me to death in their hearts, but they still have to prepare a safe path for me … Don't do that if you have the ability! I like people like you who want to kill me but can't. You have to prepare to wipe my ass. "I'm mentally prepared."

Han Yichen felt extremely satisfied in his heart.

Miss Wu slowly turned her head and said: "This student, how do you plan to treat me?"

Right now, he was addressing Han Yichen as mister and his classmate. And the reason why she asked that question was because, in her opinion, there was nothing on Han Yichen's body. There shouldn't be anyone capable of treating a patient with empty hands, right?

Han Yichen smiled lightly and said: "Miss Wu, I will be using Eighteen Medicine to treat you soon."

"Eighteen Medicine?"

Hearing this phrase, not to mention the Miss Wu, even the driver of the BMW was stunned. After all, to their knowledge, they had never heard of any Eighteen Medicine.

Han Yichen replied: "En, Eighteen Medicine." Then, he laughed and continued: "Of course, I know you all have never heard of Eighteen Medicine, but it doesn't matter, because you all will see it soon."

After Han Yichen finished this sentence, he slightly exerted force with his hand, and then, a bit of white mist slowly appeared. This mist condensed into the shape of a needle. Han Yichen lightly pinched them, holding onto the needles, he looked at Miss Wu, and started the treatment.

Miss Wu was completely stunned.

She would never have thought that there would be such a way to treat people in this world … It could actually produce a needle! This was simply too unbelievable!

"Miss Wu, this process might be slightly painful, I hope you can bear with it." Han Yichen said.

After all, his actual control over the eighteen arts was only limited to a few times. In other words, he was a bit unfamiliar.

Miss Wu was already more at ease now, she nodded and said: "This student, I believe in you."

Han Yichen laughed and said, "I believe in myself too."

The BMW driver nervously stood at the side, and said, "This student, I hope you can really do it. Otherwise, I will not be polite with you! After all, if you have seen my methods before, you definitely would not want to see it a second time. "

Han Yichen laughed, and did not respond, but said indifferently in his heart: "Bullsh * t! Continue boasting! This young one can grow up to be such a big one, how could I possibly be an adult? "

After Han Yichen began to enter the regular treatment, he began to feel weak in his heart. This was because he discovered to his horror that in Miss Wu's body, there was not only a low blood sugar, but also leukemia. Han Yichen was a little speechless: How could this be? If it was just a simple hypoglycemia, I would be able to recover after a few treatments. But now with leukemia... Complicated what disease is not good, but it is a leukemia, this can let me do how to do? I can't possibly unleash all of my Eighteen Medicine's power at once, can I?

Using this Eighteen Medicine to treat an illness was naturally not difficult. However, if he could cure both diseases at the same time, at least right now, Han Yichen didn't have that kind of strength.

On Han Yichen's forehead, a large amount of sweat began to fall.

But even so, he still made a decision in his heart: no matter what he did, he would first cure Miss Wu's hypoglycemia. As for this leukemia, he would slowly think of a way later.

Time passed slowly.

Outside the ward, in the corridor. Several doctors were whispering.

"Sigh, where did this foolish brat suddenly charge out from, and insisted that he could cure Miss Wu's disease, wasn't he spouting nonsense? If the sickness of the Miss Wu is so easy to cure, why did you need us to join hands and waste so many years of effort? "

"What's the use of saying so much? No matter what happens now, we must ensure that the Miss Wu is still alive. We must ensure that the Miss Wu does not fall for this brat's trick! "

"Sigh, our Miss Wu is really something. At this time, she just had to choose to believe that stinking brat's words!"

Everyone grumbled, but no one dared to leave.

At this moment, the principal walked over.

He had already seen the video through the surveillance camera. The point of view of his letter was the same as the other senior doctors and he thought that Han Yichen was messing things up. But there was nothing they could do about it, the Miss Wu trusted them.

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