War Soul Transformation/C40 Obtain cultivation method
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War Soul Transformation/C40 Obtain cultivation method
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C40 Obtain cultivation method

The reason was none other than the fact that an identical person as Li Ye was lying inside the sarcophagus! His eyes were closed, and he was completely lifeless. However, his corpse was not rotted away!

A thousand years ago, there were three realms in Heaven and Earth. Immortals lived in celestial realm that was rich in spirit energy, while demons lived in the dark underworld of the Yellow Springs.

In the beginning, there were only these three realms. However, when the Fiendgod War broke out, the Immortals and Fiendgods began to worry that any other Realms might be destroyed, and so they began to use the almighty powers to create a small region that was used solely for the battlefield, the Tomb Realm.

The Tomb Realm was truly an Immortal Demon Tomb. Countless Immortals and Demons had fallen there, and no one knew of the outcome of the battle a thousand years ago. Tomb World was also shattered and on the verge of destruction.

Within the celestial realm, at the border of the Primal Chaos, was a colorful time-space limit. Even time was still there, and there was no air movement or spirit energy circulation.

Amongst the multicolored light, there was a ball of color that was slightly different from the surrounding halos of light. It was a ball of white light. The white light seemed to be wrapped in a human-shaped silhouette. It was truly surprising that a human silhouette would appear in this area of the Terminator Realm!

The space here was still, but the human shaped figure within the white light moved at that moment. He raised his hand and released a thin ray of light that cut through the air and left.

"Grant you the battle tactics … I hope that you can help me return to my celestial realm as soon as possible … " A weak voice rang out in the region of chaos, then it returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.


Inside dead wood forest's tomb, Li Ye was staring at the inside of the sarcophagus.

"This... "What's going on …" Li Ye felt that it was inconceivable. Within the sarcophagus, there was actually someone who looked exactly like him, but there were no signs of life on the latter's body.

"Brother Li Ye, you actually look so similar to the people in the sarcophagus!" Jing Yue exclaimed from the side, his eyes still continuously sizing up Li Ye.

Other than Jing Yue who was shocked, the others were also surprised, though they did not say anything.

Yuan Yourong stood at the side and thought about something. However, whenever she tried to grab hold of something, she would be unable to do so. All of this made her a little upset, as she felt that what happened before her eyes was not normal.

The ancient tomb that had been buried for who knows how many years was discovered, and the corpse of the person inside looked exactly like Li Ye, and previously, Hua Chenxie had faintly mentioned that Li Ye's family background was not weak, is there any sort of relationship between all of this?

Just as everyone was thinking, the person lying in the sarcophagus suddenly opened his eyes, a thin white light ray shot into Li Ye's eyes who was looking straight at him!

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone, but Li Ye covered his eyes and rolled on the ground.


"Brother Li Ye, what's wrong!" Nie Yun and Jing Yue hurried forward, ready to support Li Ye.

However, Li Ye's entire body was emitting a white light, like a cocoon had wrapped Li Ye within it, causing both Nie Yun and Jing Yue to be blocked from approaching the white light.

Hua Chenxie was shocked, what happened just now? Originally, everything was fine, but why did Li Ye suddenly get "attacked"?

On the other side, Ning Yulong who was dressed in white looked like he was worried as well, but he laughed coldly in his heart. "Hmph! Who cares about the great Li Family? From the looks of it, these eyes might be crippled, right? A blind person will definitely have a low position in the clan!

Rumble rumble rumble!

Unknowingly, the ground started to shake, Hua Chenxie was shocked: "Not good, this place is collapsing! Get out of here! "

When Ning Yulong heard this, he was the first to run away. As for Yuan Yourong, he glanced at Li Ye who was on the ground and turned to leave as well.

"Brother Nie, what should we do? We can't get close to Li Ye, and now that this place is about to collapse, how can we take Li Ye out?" Jing Yue was panicking in his heart, and seeing the stone fragments around him falling to the ground, he was truly panicking.

"Try again!" Nie Yun's face became gloomy, and ran towards Li Ye, but when he got close to the white cocoon like light sphere, he could no longer continue forward.

Behind them, Hua Chenxie looked down at the ground, and then spoke in a gentle voice: "You guys leave this place first, his eagle is here, it should be able to bring him out." With that, Hua Chenxie turned and left the place.

But just at that moment, a hole suddenly opened up in the ground of the tomb, a purple colored eagle tail came out, and approached Li Ye, but just as it was about to reach him, it was blocked by the white light cocoon. That eagle tail was helpless, it could only wrap around the white light cocoon together and then bring Li Ye away.

Seeing that, Jing Yue and Nie Yun heaved a sigh of relief and immediately left the place.

When they returned to the dead wood forest's grounds, the place where the tomb had originally been, was now a crumbling wasteland. All the tunnels and entrances were buried by the earth, and some cultivators who did not manage to exit in time were forever asleep here.

All the cultivators standing on the ground now felt as if they had survived a disaster. Some of the cultivators even had their arms filled with gold coins, it seemed like they had made a huge profit on this trip.

"You, why are you staring at me like that?" One of the cultivators noticed that something was wrong and immediately covered his chest that was filled with gold coins.

"What did you say?" "My brother was running very slowly and was buried under the ground. I have to spend money to help his old mother get old, right? That's a lot of money, what do you think I should do?" As he spoke, the cultivator licked his tongue and pulled out the long blade at his waist.

There were quite a few people like this, and as soon as they escaped from the tomb, these people were thrown into chaos. Indeed, one should never be greedy for money in order to avoid setting things on fire.

Yuan Yourong and Ning Yulong had already left the place, there was nothing else other than the tomb which was filled with strange places and ordinary money. Although they were a little curious about what would happen to Li Ye later on, the two of them did not stay here for long. Ning Yulong probably went straight back to the Bai Yao Dynasty, and Yuan Yourong did not know where he went.

After Hua Chenxie looked at the chaotic scene around him, he also turned and left. When he passed by a few cultivators, some blind people stopped him and he also casually killed them with one palm.

At this moment, Jing Yue and Nie Yun were standing outside of the battlefield, looking around the grave. They were looking for Li Ye, not knowing where the eagle had brought Li Ye to.

While the people were fighting all around the tomb, Li Ye had already been brought by the Stormhawk to the deeper parts of the dead wood forest, near a pond. For the past few days, Stormhawk hunted the surrounding area, treating the pool as their resting place, the area was filled with its scent, and ordinary beasts did not dare to approach it.

The Stormhawk placed Li Ye at the side of the pool, and kept using its divine intent to touch the Li Ye in front of it. Unfortunately, these divine intents were unable to penetrate through the white light surrounding Li Ye's body. At the same time, Li Ye who was wrapped in white light had his eyes tightly shut, as if he had already fainted.

There was a small cave at the side of the pond. During the day, Li Ye was brought by Stormhawk to the side of the pond to bask in the sun, and at night, he was brought into the cave by Stormhawk. Just like this, Li Ye and the Stormhawk stayed here for half a month.

The outside world was in an uproar, the news about the Heavenly Tomb had spread out in Mohua City. Although the tomb had already been buried, there were still many people who brought shovels to the tomb to dig for gold, and there were also some people from Mohua City who became enemies because of the tomb stealing gold. Many people returned to Mohua City to fight in the open and in the shadows.

Jing Yue and Nie Yun stayed at the Mohua City, and often went to the dead wood forest, hoping to meet Li Ye and the Stormhawk. Unfortunately, they were disappointed, and did not know where the Stormhawk had taken Li Ye, so they could only temporarily stay at the Mohua City.

On the sixteenth day of the incident in the tomb, Li Ye finally woke up from the pool deep in the dead wood forest, and the white light surrounding his body also disappeared.

"You're finally awake. Your two friends are looking for you outside. I've seen them outside often for the past half month." The moment Li Ye woke up, the Stormhawk walked over and released its young, tender child's voice.

"Half a month?" After Li Ye heard this, he focused his attention on the time. Could it be that he had slept for half a month?

However, Li Ye was currently very happy, he knew what was going on inside the tomb, and did not expect it to be a divine intent. That divine intent did not have any other information, only a supporting technique called the battle tactics.

While Li Ye was in slumber, he felt that there was always a voice helping him to regain the important parts of the battle tactics. Although the battle tactics was only a supporting technique, it was definitely a unique supporting technique.

According to what was stated, battle tactics had the four stages of the Sky, Earth, Profound, Yellow, and could enhance the user's martial skills and physical strength by two times. In other words, if one had a thousand kilograms of arm strength, they could release a total of two thousand kilograms of arm strength, and the profound realm could increase by four times, and the Earth realm by eight times. As for the highest sky realm, it actually had sixteen times the effect!

If he cultivated to the Sky Realm, with Li Ye's fifteen hundred kilograms of arm strength, he could easily contend against twenty-four thousand kilograms of arm strength cultivators! The strength of ten thousand kilograms was equivalent to the strength of a Soul Master Stage cultivator. With the strength of an early stage Soul Scholar, he could rely on the battle tactics to fight against a Soul Master Stage cultivator!

Of course, all of these were just theoretical data. When they truly fought, the power of the Soul Master was also extremely strong. As for the battle tactics, even though Li Ye did not know its origin, he knew that it was definitely a top supporting technique. The difficulty in cultivating it could be imagined, reaching the Sky Realm was easier said than done.

"I didn't expect to sleep for so long." Li Ye regained his senses and looked at the Stormhawk in front of him. Only now did he realise that the Stormhawk in front of him was much smaller than before.

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