After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life

After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life

715 Chapters
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Xiao Hee was known as the poorest student in the university, however, he was also the most handsome student.

Although this quality of being handsome, evaporated when people saw his old and simple outfit, his worn-out shoes, and his humble and fearful demeanor.

Even his wife, whom he had married a year ago, was cheating on him.

Xiao Hee, who until recently thought he was in love with her, decided to confront her and followed her to a hotel. When he caught her with her lover, instead of regret he got cold and teased.

"Damn homeless man, I've had enough of you!"

After these words from his wife, Xiao Hee's heart turned cold. That day he divorced

While he was outside the courthouse, with mixed feelings about everything that just happened, he received a message on his phone

"Three years have passed. Starting today, Xiao Hee, the descendant of Heaven, will remove the ban and take back control of his wealth"

Now, he was single again, and he had regained control over his wealth and his life.

Table of Contents

C301 The Third Young Master
Nov 30th, 00:04
C302 The Third Young Master's Body Couldn't Take It Anymore
Nov 30th, 00:04
C303 Young Master Xiao Qi
Nov 30th, 00:04
C304 He Was Dead!
Dec 1st, 00:06
C305 He Is the Third Young Master
Dec 1st, 00:06
C306 This Kind of Shit
Dec 1st, 00:06
C307 Plot
Dec 1st, 00:06
C308 An Undergraduate Student of Harvard University
Dec 2nd, 00:03
C309 Executed!
Dec 2nd, 00:03
C310 I Am the Descendant of the Xiao Family!
Dec 2nd, 00:03
C311 Return to Mu Tiancheng
Dec 2nd, 00:03
C312 Pine Crane Pavilion
Dec 3rd, 00:07
C313 Enemies Are Bound to Meet on a Narrow Road
Dec 3rd, 00:07
C314 When Enemies Meet Their Eyes Turn Red
Dec 3rd, 00:07
C315 Was His Conscience Acceptable
Dec 3rd, 00:07
C316 Lottery Draw
Dec 4th, 00:08
C317 Special Prize
Dec 4th, 00:08
C318 Pretending
Dec 4th, 00:08
C319 Criminals
Dec 4th, 00:08
C320 A Real Criminal
Dec 5th, 00:04