Daddy's Double Life

Daddy's Double Life

350 Chapters
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On a stormy night in zrikta city, a mysterious figure crashes from the heavens, shattering the mountain beneath him. It’s yu haoran, the god-king of the divine world, returning to earth after centuries of celestial battles.

three years ago, yu haoran fell from a cliff and stumbled into the divine realm, where he rose to supreme power in what felt like three hundred years. Yet, despite his newfound supremacy, his greatest desire remains to reunite with his family in the real world.

Now, discovering that only three years have passed on earth since his disappearance, yu haoran races to reunite with his wife and daughter, his divine powers drained.

But can he reclaim the life he left behind?

Table of Contents

C141 The Counterfeit Product
Aug 18th, 00:03
C142 Settled Easily
Aug 18th, 00:03
C143 The Dust Settled
Aug 18th, 00:03
C144 Western Zhou's Jade Cicada
Aug 18th, 00:03
C145 !
Aug 18th, 00:03
C146 Caught in the Trap
Aug 19th, 00:02
C147 Su Wan'er's Thoughts
Aug 19th, 00:02
C148 Screaming in Surprise in the Morning
Aug 19th, 00:02
C149 Viper Trap
Aug 19th, 00:02
C150 Snake Killing and Extracting the Gallbladder!
Aug 19th, 00:02
C151 A Concert!
Aug 20th, 00:03
C152 Meeting the Two Women
Aug 20th, 00:03
C153 Wang Jue Was Furious
Aug 20th, 00:03
C154 Fann Xiyan's Danger
Aug 20th, 00:03
C155 Becoming a Hero Saving a Beauty
Aug 20th, 00:03
C156 Saving a Person
Aug 21st, 00:02
C157 Fann Xiyan's Gratitude
Aug 21st, 00:02
C158 She Took the Initiative to Kiss Him!
Aug 21st, 00:02
C159 Defeated Easily
Aug 21st, 00:02
C160 Chen Xiu's Fear
Aug 21st, 00:02