Dream Explorer

Dream Explorer

255 Chapters
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Handsome sunshine of a psychiatrist, with hypnotism into the dream of the marvel;

"You beast, please don't casually come in!"

"Oh? I only enter your dreams and not your body … "

Under the sunlight, there was a wretched heart. The dreams of others come and go as they will, and the hearts of others are easy to read! Take care of the rich and handsome? Conquer the cold beauty? Challenge the big black dude? Hahaha …

The moment the Brawler attacked, Dreamscape began to move.

Table of Contents

C21 Escape from a Dream
Dec 17th, 08:35
C22 Dreaming Upgrade
Dec 17th, 08:35
C23 He Has Been Crippled
Dec 17th, 08:35
C24 Good News
Dec 17th, 08:35
C25 People Who Need Help
Dec 17th, 08:35
C26 Women Are so Troublesome
Dec 17th, 08:35
C27 Sudden Bad News
Dec 17th, 08:35
C28 This Is My Boyfriend
Dec 17th, 08:35
C29 Old Ginger Is Still Spicier
Dec 17th, 08:35
C30 The Old Master's Mind
Dec 17th, 08:35
C31 If Life be Only like First Love
Dec 17th, 08:35
C32 A Mistake Is a Lifetime
Dec 17th, 08:35
C33 It Is Dusk Now to See You Again
Dec 17th, 08:35
C34 Surprise
Dec 17th, 08:35
C35 Another Trouble
Dec 17th, 08:35
C36 Continue
Dec 17th, 08:35
C37 A Repressed Beast
Dec 17th, 08:35
C38 A Minor Accident
Dec 17th, 08:35
C39 Old Man's Phone
Dec 17th, 08:35
C40 Old Master Zhang
Dec 17th, 08:35