Martian Mogul

Martian Mogul

272 Chapters
4 ups / day
(11 Ratings)
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Yang Zhiming, beaten and left for dead after seeking justice for his gambling-addicted father, wakes up a thousand years later in an unfamiliar place.

To his shock, he has transformed into a dice, revered as an ancient cube.

In a future where danger lurks, will Yang Zhiming succeed in reclaiming his humanity?

Table of Contents

C261 The Competition
Sep 26th, 00:02
C262 Registration
Sep 26th, 00:02
C263 Female Employees
Sep 26th, 00:02
C264 At the Venue of the Wedding?
Sep 26th, 00:02
C265 Honesty
Sep 27th, 00:04
C266 The Gentlest?
Sep 27th, 00:04
C267 Which One?
Sep 27th, 00:04
C268 Bean Sprouts
Sep 27th, 00:04
C269 He Was Dumbstruck!
12 hours ago
C270 Where Can We Not Meet Each Other in Life?
12 hours ago
C271 Ho Qing's Red Wine
12 hours ago
C272 The Scream
12 hours ago