My Grandpa Is A Super Godly Tyrant

My Grandpa Is A Super Godly Tyrant

1876 Chapters
(28 Ratings)
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Our protagonist, Lin Fei, begins his journey in a state of destitution and obscurity - a lad of humble origins, struggling to make ends meet in a sprawling metropolis that shows him no mercy. His world, however, takes an unexpected twist when he discovers that he is, in fact, the grandson of a supreme tycoon. This revelation catapults him from his life of hardship into a world of wealth and power.

As Lin Fei embarks on his path of reversal, readers are treated to a richly woven narrative that encapsulates the exhilarating highs and heart-wrenching lows of his new life. With the newfound wealth and power, comes a torrent of challenges that test Lin Fei's mettle at every turn. Will he succumb to the pitfalls that accompany his elevated status, or will he rise above them to become a beacon of hope for those left in the shadows of society?

It is an exploration of humanity's endless struggle for a better life, an examination of the moral complexities that come with sudden wealth, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

This novel, with its light-hearted narrative style and heartwarming conclusion, is a salve for the weary soul and a beacon for dreamers everywhere. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado of urban literature or a newcomer to the genre, "My Grandpa Is A Super Godly Tyrant" is a journey that will leave you richer in spirit and eager for more. Dive into the world of Lin Fei today, and discover the magic for yourself!

Table of Contents

C201 He Knew His Limits
Nov 4th, 05:47
C202 If I Knew This Would Happen I Wouldn't Have Done It
Nov 4th, 05:47
C203 Hu Kai Apologized
Nov 4th, 05:47
C204 Damn It
Nov 4th, 05:47
C205 Fortune Makes Fools of People
Nov 4th, 05:47
C206 I'm Afraid I'll Go Back on My Word
Nov 4th, 05:47
C207 Too Low Level
Nov 4th, 05:47
C208 Swoosh
Nov 4th, 05:47
C209 Change Dinner Time
Nov 4th, 05:47
C210 That Was All
Nov 4th, 05:47
C211 Number Two Is a Ruthless Man
Nov 4th, 05:47
C212 A Strange Smile
Nov 4th, 05:47
C213 Who Dares to Touch Me
Nov 4th, 05:47
C214 Yan Hong Is Finally Here
Nov 4th, 05:47
C215 Xu Shan Begged for Mercy
Nov 4th, 05:47
C216 He Deserved It
Nov 4th, 05:47
C217 Meeting Again
Nov 4th, 05:47
C218 What a Pity
Nov 4th, 05:47
C219 As You Wish
Nov 4th, 05:47
C220 I'll Satisfy All of You
Nov 4th, 05:47


April 17, 2024 3:20 PM
Absolutely trashy writing.
Content is too stretchy. Imagine a punch and block taking 2 whole chapters to finish. I'm general a chapter in this book has jo more content than worth one or 2 sentences.
April 17, 2024 3:18 PM
One punch took 2 whole chapters. Needlessly stretchy chapters, repetition of same thing in different words, entire chapter where nothing really happens. Absolute waste of time.
March 28, 2024 9:34 AM
Nice story............ .... i like it
August 9, 2022 8:15 PM
Good chapter strong storytelling so far
March 13, 2022 4:33 PM
Nice book with tv and I am I the same I am I the same
March 13, 2022 4:22 PM
Nice pic I am not feeling well so I can do it on the way to be a
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