Change The World Starts With Building My Immortal Shop

Change The World Starts With Building My Immortal Shop

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He was a brilliant young man, laureate in Agricultural Study.

Because of this, he immersed himself in cultivating the soil, but, damn’it, even after an entire year of efforts, no products can be seen.

So, even if he was very stubborn in his heart and his will, with no doubt in himself, he started to be seen as a trash cultivator by others.

After a sudden heatstroke, due to his persevering work on the field, he discovered in himself a mysterious artifact, the Immortal Shop with which he could acquire and use unimaginable products for cultivating the soil and enhancing the quality of every harvest.

From then on he started to mark his path in order to become a legendary farmer.

But he did not know the world has stat to change because of him...

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