My Vital Energy Space

My Vital Energy Space

204 Chapters
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When Fang Ming stumbled upon the mystical spiritual space, his life's course took an extraordinary turn.

Bucking the trend of his university peers who sought bustling urban opportunities after graduation, Fang Ming chose the serene embrace of his countryside roots.

Within the enchanting confines of the spiritual space lay a breathtaking crystalline pond. Imbibing its waters, Fang Ming experienced an unprecedented surge of energy and vitality.

This magical water held a reservoir of spiritual energy, accelerating the growth of plants to unparalleled heights and qualities.

Beyond the promise of an extraordinary business venture and physical well-being, Fang Ming harbored a deep affection for his homeland, especially for Chu Ning'er.

Chu Ning'er, a gracious and beautiful soul, shared a special connection with Fang Ming. Yet, the village, oblivious to her virtues, shunned her due to an enigmatic veil that cloaked her life.

Table of Contents

C21 Killing Wang Meng
Jul 26th, 08:55
C22 Lucky Escape!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C23 A Missed Call!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C24 The Unfinished Mission!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C25 I like Scum!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C26 Friends, Zhang Lingfeng!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C27 Secret Infiltration!
Jul 26th, 08:55
C28 Seeing Chu Ning'er Again.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C29 At the Police Station.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C30 The Unexpected Wealth.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C31 Hot and Passionate.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C32 The Surprise Attack of the Wolf Gang.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C33 Arrogant Shop Assistant
Jul 26th, 08:55
C34 Spiritual Realm, Cobalt Enigmas
Jul 26th, 08:55
C35 Entering the Spiritual Realm.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C36 Innate Spirit Body
Jul 26th, 08:55
C37 He Suddenly Advanced by Leaps and Bounds.
Jul 26th, 08:55
C38 Golden Spirit Sword Spell
Jul 26th, 08:55
C39 Six-ear Spirit Monkey
Jul 26th, 08:55
C40 Open the Furnace and Refine the Pill.
Jul 26th, 08:55