Hu Yang, born into abject poverty, has known nothing but hardship his entire life. His aspirations for a better life are constantly crushed by his financial struggles. Despite his relentless hard work and determination to save enough for his family, himself, and his dream of marriage, success remains elusive.
At the heart of his motivation is Lin Xin, the woman he deeply loves and yearns to marry. However, his romantic dreams are shattered when Lin Xin and her disapproving mother, citing his lack of wealth, coldly reject him. In a humiliating encounter, Lin Xin's mother goes as far as to berate Hu Yang, accusing him of being responsible for his parents' death and branding him an orphan
Heartbroken, Hu Yang returns home to immerse himself in computer games, seeking a temporary escape from his reality. Unexpectedly, he discovers a mysterious system within the game that seems to imbue him with unexplained strength.
This extraordinary incident leaves everyone, including Hu Yang, in shock. What is the source of this newfound strength, and how will it change Hu Yang's life?