Super Gambling System

Super Gambling System

831 Chapters
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The game of Chess and Cards rules the world. Professional Chess and Cards players are the mainstream celebrities that take up everyone’s attention.

Some countries even solve their conflicts through a game of Chess and Cards. Individuals that can make it into a Chess and Cards University were considered the elites of society.

Han Shengqi had just returned to his hometown after failing to enrol into the North Seas Chess and Cards University.

He had made a promise to his childhood sweetheart to get into the same university but she was a famous genius girl and his failure kept them separated.

What’s worse, her beauty and talent had attracted several suitors. Although she promised to wait for him, Han Shengqi was still uncomfortable leaving her alone with all those players coming after her.

So he made it his mission to improve his skills in Chess and Cards and pass the University entrance exam a year from now before it’s too late.

As if the universe heard his wish, Han Shengqi soon became the 9635th host of the God of Chess and Cards System.

From now on he shall exhibit peerless talent and walk the path to becoming a real God of Chess and Cards.

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