The Alchemist's Urban Domination

The Alchemist's Urban Domination

328 Chapters
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After a decade of training in the mountains, he returns to the city, only to find his position in the Su family usurped, the family's power in jeopardy, and his fiancée declaring she would rather marry a pig or a dog than him.

"What is mine, I give only if I choose, not because you want to take it," he declares, mastering the art of alchemy and looking down on the entire city with cold arrogance.

Will he reclaim his rightful place and restore his family's honor?

Table of Contents

C141 Am I Going to Have an Awkward Morning?
Aug 13th, 00:02
C142 The Ruthless Design Chief Inspector?
Aug 13th, 00:02
C143 Su Xia's Boyfriend?
Aug 13th, 00:02
C144 Am I Going to be Fired?
Aug 13th, 00:02
C145 The Great Plan to Make a Clean Sweep?
Aug 14th, 00:01
C146 Will You Treat Me to a Meal?
Aug 14th, 00:01
C147 The Secret Base
Aug 14th, 00:01
C148 Su Xia Was Burned
Aug 14th, 00:01
C149 There Was an Insider
Aug 15th, 00:01
C150 She Was Bitten by a Snake
Aug 15th, 00:01
C151 He Took Drugs for Her
Aug 15th, 00:01
C152 The Old Steward Who Had Just Returned to the Mansion
Aug 15th, 00:01
C153 The Poisonous Snake Was Coming
Aug 16th, 00:01
C154 The Perfect Disguise Technique
Aug 16th, 00:01
C155 He Bet Half of His Wealth
Aug 16th, 00:01
C156 The Poisonous Snake Was Disappointed
Aug 16th, 00:01
C157 It Was Even More Terrifying than Death
Aug 17th, 00:02
C158 A Lecherous Man
Aug 17th, 00:02
C159 The Precious Photo Frame
Aug 17th, 00:02
C160 Time Spent on Work
Aug 17th, 00:02