The Divine Eyes Do Wonders

The Divine Eyes Do Wonders

614 Chapters
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Two years ago, a small antique store boss died of liver cancer. Before he died, he let Ye Chong marry his daughter because he felt he was quite an honest and reliable young man.

He was initially a staff in their store, so after marrying the boss's daughter, he worked hard and did everything he could to please his wife and her family. But to them, he was just poor and a useless worker!

They shouted all day long, ordering him around like a servant.

Until he suddenly got a clairvoyance ability through a mysterious bead! A pair of magical eyes that could see through everything!

With it, his reputation started to rise, but there were always some who, in jealousy and greed, tried to make bets and compete with him... Who were they kidding? Wasn't that giving him free money!?

At first, he thought he only had one ability, but after a while, he knew he had underestimated the powers of the bead too much... He could do much more than just see through things...

Table of Contents

C201 Mysterious Attic
Aug 30th, 08:10
C202 Strange Vines
Aug 30th, 08:10
C203 On the Coffin Floor
Aug 30th, 08:10
C204 Direct Confrontation
Aug 30th, 08:10
C205 Fight to the Death
Aug 30th, 08:10
C206 Crazy Vines
Aug 30th, 08:10
C207 Golden Brick Help
Aug 30th, 08:10
C208 Avoiding a Disaster
Aug 30th, 08:10
C209 He Wanted to See the Corpse If He Died
Aug 30th, 08:10
C210 Gathering
Aug 30th, 08:10
C211 A Confidentiality Agreement
Aug 30th, 08:10
C212 Thief's Gate
Aug 30th, 08:10
C213 A Fight Between Masters
Aug 30th, 08:10
C214 They Were Fated to Meet
Aug 30th, 08:10
C215 Elder Zhen
Aug 30th, 08:10
C216 Top Grade Collectibles
Aug 30th, 08:10
C217 An Incredible Collection
Aug 30th, 08:10
C218 An Olive Branch
Aug 30th, 08:10
C219 Zhen Xiaoyi's Thoughts
Aug 30th, 08:10
C220 Little Leap Makes a Fortune
Aug 30th, 08:10