The Peace Keeping Hero

The Peace Keeping Hero

794 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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I'm a peacekeeping officer on an expedition to the North American warzone. The moment I put on the epaulette of "Earth and olive branches," maintaining peace, fighting crime, and spreading the culture of China became my greatest pursuit. . . In the face of fanatics, calamities, war kings, conspirators and all kinds of traps, I am not an unkillable cockroach, as long as I reach the place. . .

Table of Contents

C361 He Dug Two Holes
Nov 4th, 05:23
C362 A Huge Hidden Danger
Nov 4th, 05:23
C363 Competition
Nov 4th, 05:23
C364 Absolute Praise
Nov 4th, 05:23
C365 Zhao Xiao Ming Was Definitely Going to Lose?
Nov 4th, 05:23
C366 He Won the Championship
Nov 4th, 05:23
C367 I Want the Red Flag to Fly
Nov 4th, 05:23
C368 The Motherland Is above All
Nov 4th, 05:23
C369 Reluctant Suppression
Nov 4th, 05:23
C370 Brother Trouble-reappearance
Nov 4th, 05:23
C371 The Chinese Expressed Their Condolences
Nov 4th, 05:23
C372 Taotie's Feast
Nov 4th, 05:23
C373 Delicious and Delicious
Nov 4th, 05:23
C374 Loot Draw
Nov 4th, 05:23
C375 A Strange Phone Call
Nov 4th, 05:23
C376 Distant Control to Solve the Case
Nov 4th, 05:23
C377 He Blew It Big
Nov 4th, 05:23
C378 Something Happened to the Prison Guard Unit
Nov 4th, 05:23
C379 The Spy
Nov 4th, 05:23
C380 Attack
Nov 4th, 05:23