The Strongest Special Troops System

The Strongest Special Troops System

1042 Chapters
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Jiang Fann joins the army after transmigrating to the contemporary world.

As a new recruit, Jiang Fann is recognizably excited to make it to the main force of the Red Army’s attack infantry, the Iron Fist. Despite the major feat, Jiang Fann’s skills are on rock bottom.

No matter how hard he trains, his skills always ranked him last in comparison to other new recruits consequentially dragging down the overall points of his battalion.

The situation earned him an invisible contempt from his fellow comrades even though no one openly showed it.

With the day of inspection and assessment of the Iron Fist infantry by military leaders approaching, Jiang Fann is at loss for what to do.

In his moment of despair, he activates a Strongest Special Forces System blasting his excitement up the rooftops.

By accomplishing missions recommended by the systems, Jiang Fann would get rewards ranging from advanced physical skills, military technology knowledge and immense strength.

The system aids him to become the world’s strongest soldier king who would proceed to write history on the battle fields.

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