Unparalleled Sword Emperor

Unparalleled Sword Emperor

1280 Chapters
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*A young man in a small city who had carried the title of "Seven Years of Being a trash".

One day he had been accidentally reborn after falling off a cliff, had awakened the mysterious power of his bloodline. 

In order to change his fate, after obtaining a powerful cultivation technique, he advanced towards the peak of the martial way!

Table of Contents

C1180 The Mysteries of the Foursaint Secret Skill
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1179 Bloody Doomsday
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1178 The Leaders Met
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1177 The Flaws of the Formation and the Solution
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1176 It Was Not a Test but a Break Through
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1175 Divine Heaven Thunder Bird Extermination Formation!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1174 The Situation Was Critical
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1173 Seeing Mo Xue Again
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1172 Arrived at the Original Jade Star
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1171 Ling Siyue!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1170 Mo Yuerong Was Pregnant!?
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1169 The Alien King Clan Was Defeated!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1168 The Explosion of Tian You
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1167 Easily Killed a Half Monarch
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1166 The Furious Jun Loong
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1165 You Are so Sure That I Am Alone?
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1164 The Holy Spirit Clan's Combat Strength Recovered!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1163 Negotiation
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1162 The Holy Spirit Clan Alliance's Situation
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1161 Successfully Evolved Twice
Nov 4th, 03:46