Unparalleled Sword Emperor

Unparalleled Sword Emperor

1280 Chapters
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*A young man in a small city who had carried the title of "Seven Years of Being a trash".

One day he had been accidentally reborn after falling off a cliff, had awakened the mysterious power of his bloodline. 

In order to change his fate, after obtaining a powerful cultivation technique, he advanced towards the peak of the martial way!

Table of Contents

C1120 Lingkong's Sneak Attack!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1119 The Bloody Battlefield
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1118 The Shocking Change in the Wedding Banquet
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1117 The Day of Celebration!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1116 Star Domain Protector
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1115 Breakthrough Spirit Emperor Level Nine!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1114 The Shocking Secret
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1113 Obtaining the Ninecircle Holy Spring
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1112 Ling Yunfan Was Sure of It
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1111 Important Meeting
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1110 You Can Rely on Me
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1109 Displeasing Treatment
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1108 We Are All Sisters
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1107 The Mysteries of the Two Sisters
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1106 The Passionate Couple
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1105 Celestial Thunder Divine Domain Fifth Eldest Disciple
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1104 Purple Gold Profound Heaven Palace
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1103 Target Celestial Thunder Divine Domain
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1102 You will Always be My Woman
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1101 Each of Them
Nov 4th, 03:46