Unparalleled Sword Emperor

Unparalleled Sword Emperor

1280 Chapters
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*A young man in a small city who had carried the title of "Seven Years of Being a trash".

One day he had been accidentally reborn after falling off a cliff, had awakened the mysterious power of his bloodline. 

In order to change his fate, after obtaining a powerful cultivation technique, he advanced towards the peak of the martial way!

Table of Contents

C1100 The Disappointment
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1099 Waking up Qing Xueyi
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1098 Life Death Profound Origin Array
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1097 The Reason for the Decline
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1096 Unable to Recover from the Petrification
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1095 A Rebirth
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1094 Lee Gao's Final Counterattack!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1093 Two Great Reinforcements Have Arrived
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1092 He Has Finally Made His Move!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1091 Leaving the Alien King Clan?
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1090 The Fruit That Is about to Mature
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1089 Azure Flame Lotus Pond
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1088 Zhao Longhuang Star Lord of the Eternal Heaven Purgatory Star
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1087 Purgatory Realm
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1086 A Warm Invitation!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1085 Believe in Our Man!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1084 You Should Think of a Way to Survive from My Hands!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1083 See You Again Tian Huagou!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1082 There Are Still People Who Have yet to Appear!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C1081 The Invasion of Alien King Clan
Nov 4th, 03:46