Urban Hidden Deity

Urban Hidden Deity

1020 Chapters
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Useless, worthless, mute, imbecile…were the words often used by the Su family to describe Lee Yifan, the crown prince of the Lee family whom they had let marry their daughter Su Yuhe. In fact the Su family had only kept Lee Yifan around because they were hoping to cash in on Lee family inheritance, but Lee Yifan was disowned by his family because they all thought him completely insane while Cultivating.

Unbeknownst to Both families Lee Yifan had actually Obtained an expert level inheritance the entire process had taken 3 years to complete and now Lee YIfan had basically become basically a Deity. Regardless of the animosity he got from the Su family still loved his wife Su Yuhe and was willing to make up for the three years he spent inheriting.

With his new God-like powers Lee YIfan traverses the quagmire that is Family drama , trying to preserve his marriage with his beloved as his In-laws plot and scheme to separate the two of them.

Lee Yifan and Su Yuhe’s love for each other will be put to the test. Will they be able to weather the upcoming storms? How will Lee Yifan’s God-like powers affect his interactions with the people around him? And will his powers cause the people he cares about to be placed in harm's way?

Table of Contents

C381 This Misunderstanding Was a Little Deep.
Dec 1st, 08:43
C382 Zhao Manyu's Dream of Becoming a Rich Family.
Dec 1st, 08:43
C383 Something Happened to the Qian Family.
Dec 1st, 08:43
C384 She Came to Beg for Mercy!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C385 Who Was This Woman?
Dec 1st, 08:43
C386 Lee Yifan Was Cheating on Her!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C387 Investigate!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C388 This Photo Was Photoshopped!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C389 The Truth Was Revealed!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C390 Qian Jingyang Came to Visit!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C391 The More He Described It, the Darker It Became!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C392 The Mother-in-law Who Was Greedy for Money!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C393 She Could Not Explain Herself!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C394 The Conversation Between His Best Friend!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C395 I Am Here to Help You!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C396 The Photo Was Fake!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C397 Su Yuhe's Kiss!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C398 The Money-buying Qian Hongbing!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C399 The Father and Son of the Qian Family Died Miserably!
Dec 1st, 08:43
C400 Organize a Party!
Dec 1st, 08:43


August 14, 2024 8:25 AM
Nahi 😂😂😂 hai kya hai h next week
August 14, 2024 7:45 AM
M sh gf Dr ji gf Dr ji gf they are not
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