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Youth Cultivation

Youth Cultivation

454 Chapters
(22 Ratings)

Table of Contents

C1 Pawnbroker BoyC2 The Mysterious ShopkeeperC3 The Old Fortune-teller Was an Old ManC4 The CliffsC5 InspirationC6 Advance and Refine the HeartC7 Three YearsC8 The Suction of the AbyssC9 The AbyssC10 The Purple MonsterC11 Six-taloned Purple-scaled DragonC12 Emerging from the AbyssC13 My Name Is Heaven HatredC14 The Tea-house DisturbanceC15 One Finger Broke a PalmC16 CluesC17 Apologize and ApologizeC18 The Su FamilyC19 Testing Him outC20 The Saber God CultC21 To Keep the Su Family HereC22 Su Tianhao's RequestC23 The Auction House(1)C24 The Auction(2)C25 The Auction House(3)C26 The Auction House(4)C27 The Auction(5)C28 Tang YuanC29 The Crystal of the Source of the DaoC30 MiscalculatedC31 Origin CrystalsC32 The Misty Wind Conference(1)C33 The Misty Wind Conference(2)C34 The Mistral Assembly(3)C35 The Mistwind Conference(4)C36 The Mistwind Conference(5)C37 The Mistwind Conference(6)C38 Hating the Heavens in His HeartC39 Spirit CultivatorsC40 Blade Slave Sword MaidC41 Ambushing HimC42 Goodbye Black RobeC43 Liu YiC44 The Human Heart Is Fiercer than a Tiger's(part I)C45 The Human Heart Is Stronger than the Tiger(last part)C46 Don't Kill KillC47 Mysterious Sect LeaderC48 The Battle Was Intense(part I)C49 The Fierce Battle Was Intense(last part)C50 The Long Blade Was Aimed at HimC51 Hate Turned to MadnessC52 Desperation and LucidityC53 BreakthroughC54 Wang QuC55 Lee Family CastleC56 FateC57 The MausoleumC58 Corroding Yin QiC59 Absorb FateC60 Li SanshouC61 Pursue and KillC62 Old Bloodthirster and Little EvildoerC63 Liu Yi and Shen KuishanC64 Never-ending ClanC65 Zhao CailinC66 In the Fierce Battle Between the Woman in Red and the Woman in RedC67 Crimson Ice FlameC68 Situ YunC69 Junior Brother CuiC70 Chess GameC71 Mastering a MasterC72 Focus on CultivationC73 Jadechild DragonC74 To the Jungle of MistsC75 Ghostly Forest CityC76 Exploding Thunder Balls and Seven Twists Smoke and Wind FormationC77 Following HimC78 The Lightning Struck and KilledC79 The Toxic Sky WaspC80 Scatter and FleeC81 To HurryC82 Glow Water EelC83 Zi Feng's Blood EssenceC84 Blood Sculpting Invigorates the PulseC85 Bai QiuhanC86 TogetherC87 FishermanC88 The Deal Was MadeC89 Qiao Shuo and Kang QiC90 Trust MeC91 Meet up with MeC92 Elemental Thunder Formation and Elemental FirebirdC93 The SiegeC94 A Free-for-allC95 Broken ArmC96 Fighting AloneC97 Escaped with Serious InjuriesC98 A Kill WarrantC99 The Girl in Green Was Dressed in GreenC100 The Stone Monument Secret ArtC101 The Mysterious Man and Dai Wei BoC102 Life and Death StrugglesC103 All Gathered TogetherC104 Daoist Master Qifa Yun SongC105 CapturedC106 My BrotherC107 The Black Flood Dragon EmperorC108 The Heaven and Earth ShookC109 Heaven and Earth VortexC110 FarewellC111 Great Sect CompetitionC112 Returning to the SectC113 Old Chui Told JokesC114 The Six Ancestors of BeiyuanC115 The Undercurrents Were MovingC116 In the Forest There Was a Fierce BattleC117 Then He Saw Zhao Cailin AgainC118 The Four Sects Were Stationed ThereC119 Hundred Miles City SquareC120 Spiritual WaterC121 Robbery and MurderC122 Ancient Secret DeductionC123 Representatives of the Black Demon CultC124 Pioneer King QuC125 Unusual MovementC126 Get Ready to GoC127 Attack Black Demon CultC128 Heterodoxy Has Sprung upC129 The Skull FormationC130 Dust CrisisC131 Spirit Attachment ForceC132 The Shadow of the Flowing LightC133 Foxes Big and Small Met Each Other Once MoreC134 The Fox TradeC135 The Youth and Return to the SectC136 Old Chui Put His Back on the TableC137 Profound Fire Body Tribulation TalismanC138 The Situation in the Fang Heavenly StateC139 Subdue the Blood Flame and the PlanC140 Decisive Battle Between SectsC141 Swaying Song of KingsC142 Wang Qu Vs Jiang FanC143 Three MovesC144 Cen QinC145 Yan Lei's PowerC146 Jin Zhan Geng TuoC147 Combat Emperor and Savage BeastC148 SuspiciousC149 Goodbye HaoranC150 Cold Blood SwordC151 Both Sides SufferedC152 Sister I like YouC153 Smelting Space Illusion StonesC154 Nightfall CityC155 Old FriendC156 Fiery Fungus RootC157 Goodbye Du XinyiC158 The Miserable Du XinyiC159 The Auction HouseC160 Dust Gathering Pills and Substitute TalismansC161 Fire Spirits and PaintingsC162 PursuitC163 Ambassador of the Beimang PalaceC164 FearC165 Xu Qingfeng and the Gold PlateC166 The Throbbing of the Crystal of the Way SourceC167 GatherC168 For Guifang's SakeC169 Strange Cold AirC170 Coldlight CaveC171 Pitch-black Stone WallsC172 Painting Comprehend Mystical PowersC173 The Cold Light MovedC174 Let's GoC175 Muyun LakeC176 Goodbye Chen WushuangC177 ActivateC178 SwampC179 The Blood Striped PythonC180 The Blood Python Turned into a Flood DragonC181 The Blood Flame Was Just Beginning to FormC182 Corrosive BreathC183 Refinery of the CorpseC184 You You Go onC185 That's What It Feels likeC186 Roast Eggs?C187 Tide of Spiritual QiC188 Fight the Hou Family(part I)C189 Fight with the Hou Family(part II)C190 Fighting the Hou Family(last part)C191 Guifang ShookC192 Fire Qilin?C193 A Stampede of Spirit BeastsC194 Scatter and FleeC195 The Little Fellow Was AngryC196 The Powerful Little FellowC197 Dissolving BloodC198 Rocks and GravelC199 Lu MuwenC200 Mysterious CaveC201 Ancient MysteriesC202 Innate FateC203 Fate FilamentsC204 Ghostly Sounds ReappearedC205 Lu Xuefei and Hu BaC206 The Reasons WhyC207 Ghost Claw FairyC208 All Gathered Together in the Dusty Spirit ValleyC209 Xu Qing Was Crazy?C210 To Make It in TimeC211 It Could Happen at Any MomentC212 Technique ImpartingC213 The NemesisC214 Break the SealC215 Space CrystalsC216 The Spirit of the Human FormC217 Different Spatial CrystalsC218 A Moment of CrisisC219 ConspiracyC220 Zhuang Suxian's DeterminationC221 A Strange SceneC222 SmC223 It Was a Blessing in DisguiseC224 A Conspiracy in the DarkC225 Leng HanyueC226 Find out What's Going onC227 All Gathered at the Foot of the MountainC228 The Five-chain Lotus Flower FormationC229 A Cicada Shedding Its Shell?C230 Zuo Yiyi Was ShockedC231 PitC232 Stop Running and Stop RunningC233 The Pack ApproachedC234 One EyeC235 Heaven-grade Dust-gathering Spirit?C236 Against Seven Men One Against SevenC237 As Long as You're OkayC238 Furious as MadC239 Fate Has Sealed the CorrosionC240 Ten BreathsC241 Bloodflame Flood DragonC242 MassacreC243 Together They Were Seriously InjuredC244 ReenactmentC245 With That Done He FledC246 ColloquyC247 In Rags and WhiteC248 The Sword Has Its Own SpiritC249 Retreating or StayingC250 Break Through the Mound and Come outC251 Four Dead One InjuredC252 Momentary Inner DemonC253 Tit-for-tatC254 Peak Confrontation(part I)C255 Peak Duel(part II)C256 Peak Confrontation(last part)C257 ArrogantC258 Shock and GuessworkC259 Inside and Outside of the Secret Area Inside and Outside of the Secret AreaC260 Lion and Tiger PuppetC261 Intellectual GainC262 The Treasures of the Cave AbodeC263 Guifang's Curtain FellC264 Wang Qu Was FuriousC265 Alarm ChangesC266 Wangqu's ObsessionC267 Seaside Fishing VillageC268 Xiao Bei and WakeC269 FishingC270 Slaughter the White Dragon SharkC271 Little TianC272 Six MonthsC273 Old Cui Went Back to the pastC274 Under the Setting SunC275 NightmareC276 Who Was Sighing in the Rain at NightC277 Along the Way There Was a StormC278 Goodbye Feng Ling ChenC279 Old Devil WitherspikeC280 Surprise and SuspicionC281 In front of the Never-ending ClanC282 Betrayal of the SectC283 The Void Confronted Each OtherC284 Terror Backed HimC285 Old Chui Is HereC286 The Most Powerful DeterrentC287 Revenge for RevengeC288 Yixiao Walked awayC289 Fang Tian Moved in UnisonC290 The Way HomeC291 Old Friends and Old HomesC292 The past Was like SmokeC293 Promotion to Dust Gathering(part I)C294 Promotion to Dust Gathering(part II)C295 Promotion to Dust Gathering(last part)C296 A Year PassedC297 The Attempt FailedC298 The Fusion Was a SuccessC299 The Northson Food BuildingC300 Crimes to DeathC301 And Now He Had Arrived at Dragon CityC302 The Su ResidenceC303 Six Integration Sword CodexC304 In the Old Days During the Battle of the Li Family FortressC305 Li SanyunC306 Grudge(part I)C307 Grudge(last part)C308 The pastC309 Mysterious Lin YuanfuC310 Don't Don'tC311 Heart LakeC312 DisturbanceC313 Open Your EyesC314 QuestioningC315 GuidanceC316 Open the CityC317 The Calculations of the Iron MeltC318 Yun Song's Cave AbodeC319 Each Had Its Own SchemeC320 Blood-red EyesC321 The Spell Was Successfully CastC322 ConflictsC323 A SandstormC324 The ScorpionC325 FrightenedC326 The Fear of the ScorpionC327 DoubtsC328 TeleportingC329 The Iron-melt of the pastC330 Thin Bone Thunder LotusC331 Break the SealC332 DiedC333 Li Feng Vs Black RobeC334 Talisman SoldiersC335 Enter the Cave DwellingC336 The Inverse Blood Equal Demon FormationC337 The Battle of the Sandcock and the ClamC338 The Benefits of the FishermenC339 The Refining and Refining of the Magic Array BeganC340 DumbfoundedC341 All of His Plans Had Been for NothingC342 Scatter awayC343 Another SensationC344 The Auction HouseC345 The Fire Dragon's Essence ChainC346 The Old Man and the Little GirlC347 An Old Friend Meets an Old FriendC348 The Mystic Marrow FruitC349 Illusive Yin Lightning FormationC350 Painful HatredC351 Nine Fragrance DewC352 The Palace Guard TokenC353 Hating MadnessC354 Xiao Bei's AuraC355 Frightening Beads and QuotasC356 Hatred!C357 TeleportingC358 ProvocationC359 One by One They Rushed overC360 Identify YourselfC361 Astonishingly ShockingC362 The Reasons WhyC363 Covered Flat CityC364 Unhurried and UnruffledC365 The Deal Was MadeC366 The Jade Slip Was a Jade SlipC367 SelfC368 Qi Ming CityC369 Falling Sky Star StoneC370 TeleportingC371 The Painting Moved StrangelyC372 Arrogant?C373 Gu Jing's Guess Was CorrectC374 Battling SelectionC375 The Child Fire DragonC376 Abdominal Blood Secret ArtC377 Hated WorryC378 Linwang PalaceC379 The Artifact Spirit Dao TalismanC380 Another Jade TalismanC381 Accept My ApologyC382 The Gu Family AncestorC383 The Transaction of the Jade Spirit PithC384 Towering PavilionC385 One Stone for Three BirdsC386 The State of Affairs in the Four PalacesC387 The Selection BeganC388 A Strange SmileC389 EpiphanyC390 Give It Back to MeC391 The Aura of a Discarnate SoulC392 Spiritual VenerableC393 A Moment of CrisisC394 A Heaven-shaking ConfrontationC395 Black Blade Protected Its MasterC396 Shattering the VoidC397 Strange PlacesC398 SeniorC399 Sea Monster's PursuitC400 Longtoothed Eight-claw RockC401 Get on Board the ShipC402 Central Imperial Three ContinentsC403 The Sea Beasts Were Numerous and NumerousC404 The Body of ReversalC405 ForeknowledgeC406 Heaven-hating BanterC407 DeterminationC408 Yuwen Ling Was Breathing HeavilyC409 Whose Fault Was ThatC410 The Wound Was AggravatedC411 Unswerving Obsessions to the DeathC412 The Transmission ArrayC413 Deathly ResentmentC414 He Broke Through Four Steps in a RowC415 Turn the World Upside downC416 Compressed Cultivation BaseC417 The Realm Moves According to the Heart's DesireC418 Thousand MountainsC419 Tendon Ablution and Marrow CleansingC420 The Thousand Mountains BoiledC421 I've Been Waiting for You for a Long TimeC422 TiannuC423 Young MasterC424 That Year It HappenedC425 Fate ControlC426 The YearsC427 Returning to the SectC428 The New GateC429 The Tiannu's ExpectationsC430 Black Scale BladeC431 Origin InheritanceC432 LeaveC433 Arrived in Rou ChengC434 The PalaceC435 The Holy Emperor of Rou CountryC436 Zhou Xiaotian's BitternessC437 We MeetC438 Recognize Each OtherC439 Hate the Heavens' RequestC440 It WorkedC441 Yu WenrouC442 The TruthC443 Nervousness of HatredC444 Secret TalkC445 The Superviolet ToadC446 To Belong to HimselfC447 Outside the PalaceC448 Combine with the Drop of Purple Lightning FluidC449 Killing Flowing LightC450 DeterrenceC451 Zhou Li's ChangeC452 The Rift in SpaceC453 Fates Have Changed DrasticallyC454 The Grand Finale