After being unfairly expelled from Broughton City's elite high school, Shawn faces public scorn and a brutal assault by Leon, his ex-girlfriend's new beau. This attack awakens hidden abilities within Shawn, enhancing not just his physique but also his cognition.
Back home, his adoptive parents, Mr. Stuart Aiguo and Perry, are devastated, having hoped his education would improve their modest life. As college exams near, Shawn's talents emerge, notably in a masterful guitar performance. Determined to restore his image, he intensively prepares for exams.
At City No.1 High School, Shawn meets Chasity, an academically-gifted student whom the principal, Donny, seeks to exploit. Unexpectedly, Shawn joins the lesser-known Marpolis Middle School. His remarkable grades there catch English teacher Eliot's eye, who, knowing Shawn's past, suspects foul play. A confrontation between the two is imminent.