Wandering Immortal: Rebirth

Wandering Immortal: Rebirth

657 Chapters
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As a Rogue Immortal, he has faced countless lightning tribulations, with each success granting him increased strength and longevity. However, a fateful encounter with the Divine Artifact and the attention of the Immortal Emperor led to his self-destruction and subsequent transmigration into a new body with his previous memories intact.

Now reborn as the young patriarch of the Shen family in Emergence City, Shen Xuan finds himself imprisoned and lacking cultivation due to his weak martial meridian and blocked energy pathways. The death of the old patriarch and the impending betrothal of his sister only fuel his determination to regain power and protect his loved ones. With the memories of his past and a scroll of ancient treasures hidden within his sea of consciousness, Shen Xuan embarks on a relentless quest to strengthen himself and overcome the obstacles that lie in his path.

Join Shen Xuan on his path to ascendancy, where past and present merge, and the pursuit of power becomes intertwined with the desire for justice. Will he overcome the challenges that lie ahead and forge a new path for himself and his beloved, or will the shadows of his past consume him once more?

Table of Contents


April 20, 2024 12:05 PM
Hmmm this book is nice
April 20, 2024 10:57 AM
This is interesting very interesting
April 20, 2024 1:04 AM
This looks promising
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