Divine Martial Universe

Divine Martial Universe

707 Chapters
(23 Ratings)
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*In this cultivation world where the strongest slave the week.

Thanks to his family he could have lived a carefree life without power, But because he was born with a strong disposition, So he refused to submit to anyone!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, he decisively left home and came to the Eastern Wasteland. Step by step, Let’s see how he embarked on his journey to rise to power!

Table of Contents

C141 With His Feet
Nov 4th, 05:51
C142 A Scapegoat
Nov 4th, 05:51
C143 Undercurrents Were Surging
Nov 4th, 05:51
C144 Intervention
Nov 4th, 05:51
C145 Iron Shirt
Nov 4th, 05:51
C146 Miss Willow
Nov 4th, 05:51
C147 Narcissist Willow Leaf
Nov 4th, 05:51
C148 Deng Kaiwei
Nov 4th, 05:51
C149 Unparalleled Divine Power
Nov 4th, 05:51
C150 It Was Extremely Flamboyant
Nov 4th, 05:51
C151 Complete and Thorough
Nov 4th, 05:51
C152 Gathered Hatred
Nov 4th, 05:51
C153 It Was too Early to be Proud of Himself
Nov 4th, 05:51
C154 Opening the Ladle
Nov 4th, 05:51
C155 A Clue to the Cliff
Nov 4th, 05:51
C156 The Crisis of Willow Leaf
Nov 4th, 05:51
C157 The Poor Were Not Poor
Nov 4th, 05:51
C158 Different Treatment
Nov 4th, 05:51
C159 Offer It up
Nov 4th, 05:51
C160 Zhang Tianyou Was Alarmed
Nov 4th, 05:51