Emperor Sky Ninth Heaven

Emperor Sky Ninth Heaven

48 Chapters
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"The Immortal Cultivation Continent is divided into three worlds. A single natural law runs through the entire world."
expert being the highest, the rule that had been prevalent for many years was engraved in everyone's heart.
From a young age, he had carried the heavy responsibility of taking revenge for his family, and lived in seclusion in this world filled with cruelty.
In order to obtain great power, he stepped onto the path of cultivation, using it to stand on the peak of humanity.
There were many dangers along the way. The attacks of Devil Beast s, the mutual destruction of the same kind, and the struggles between the different sects. Even if they didn't want to, they would be forced into battle.
Looking up at the sky, he understood one thing. He wanted to continue living! He had to become stronger!
Only with expert would one have the authority to travel in the skies and be respected by others! "

Table of Contents