Eternal Heaven

Eternal Heaven

1417 Chapters
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Occasionally, he would come to another place and come into contact with the unknown mysterious world.
He had seen the footprints of the ancient gods, had seen the countless piles of corpses, had seen the annihilation of the gods and buddhas, and had also seen the revolution of time.
However, he later realized that it was no accident that he had come to this alternate world. As time passed, some unknown secrets also gradually revealed themselves …
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Table of Contents

C141 The Battle of Flight
Nov 4th, 03:10
C142 Terror Existence
Nov 4th, 03:10
C143 Maiden Killer
Nov 4th, 03:10
C144 Meeting on a Narrow Path
Nov 4th, 03:10
C145 Contest Fairy
Nov 4th, 03:10
C146 Fairy Blight
Nov 4th, 03:10
C147 Primordial Demon God
Nov 4th, 03:10
C148 Threats and Obscenities
Nov 4th, 03:10
C149 Far North
Nov 4th, 03:10
C150 Black Sea
Nov 4th, 03:10
C151 Lion-faced Man
Nov 4th, 03:10
C152 Supreme Pressure
Nov 4th, 03:10
C153 He's Got a Lot of Guts
Nov 4th, 03:10
C154 Eerie
Nov 4th, 03:10
C155 Corpse Soldier
Nov 4th, 03:10
C156 Black Madora Flower
Nov 4th, 03:10
C157 Death Entanglement
Nov 4th, 03:10
C158 Palace Lord Qing Xu
Nov 4th, 03:10
C159 Revisit
Nov 4th, 03:10
C160 Decaying Weapon
Nov 4th, 03:10