Evil God Of Another World

Evil God Of Another World

270 Chapters
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A young man who accidentally obtained a cultivation technique of the ancient Evil God and was thrown into the Heaven's Destruction Continent due to triggering a restriction was originally a wicked and kind-hearted young man. Since then, he has become an unscrupulous young man. What could be more realistic than having one's body bask in the light? What could be more refreshing than being stabbed in the back? What could be better than living a carefree life? The appearance of Wu Jian perfectly described his dark and feminine personality! Experts appeared one after another, and all sorts of things happened. Let's see just how the heartless evil god will reproduce the ancient evil god's ability! The legend of the Evil God that created the Heaven Slayer Continent. [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]

Table of Contents

C221 221】 Secular Master
Nov 4th, 04:09
C222 Mount Shu Sword Immortal
Nov 4th, 04:09
C223 Silver King Five
Nov 4th, 04:09
C224 224】 Tiennv Diamond Yarn
Nov 4th, 04:09
C225 By Accident
Nov 4th, 04:09
C226 Deception
Nov 4th, 04:09
C227 Violet Qi from the East
Nov 4th, 04:09
C228 You're Still Young
Nov 4th, 04:09
C229 Beauty Trouble
Nov 4th, 04:09
C230 230】 Kazuo When Customs
Nov 4th, 04:09
C231 Soul Family
Nov 4th, 04:09
C232 232 Legacy of the Soul
Nov 4th, 04:09
C233 Consideration of the National War
Nov 4th, 04:09
C234 Unprepared
Nov 4th, 04:09
C235 I'm Back
Nov 4th, 04:09
C236 Martial Arts Practice
Nov 4th, 04:09
C237 237 Younger Generation
Nov 4th, 04:09
C238 The Cross of the East
Nov 4th, 04:09
C239 The Fire Raged
Nov 4th, 04:09
C240 Re - Cultivation of Taoism
Nov 4th, 04:09