Jin Lingzi, a formidable woman, leads the once prestigious but now struggling Irontalons sect through a world on the edge of chaos. Ye Ning, a martial arts prodigy and a survivor of a tragedy, emerges as a shining light for the sect. At 14, he aims for the Golden Core Stage, showing remarkable talent.
But Ye Ning faces a twist: he has transmigrated into a novel's villain's body, struggling against the corrupting Heart Devouring Bead. A Diary System offers hope, helping him resist and earn cultivation rewards.
Key figures in his life include celestial fairy Chen Qingwei, his admirer Ye Rou, and his master Jin Lingzi, a Dao Venerate's reincarnation. Ye Ning must navigate a thin line between good and evil, using the diary to change his destined path as the villain.
As he forges ahead, a critical question arises: Can Ye Ning truly alter his fate, or will the novel's dark prophecy prevail?