Female CEO's Super Beautician

Female CEO's Super Beautician

359 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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*He was a normal person who at the bottom of society.

In order to gentle and lovely wife happiness, He had worked day and night.

Until one day he found out that his most beloved wife cheated on him…

Such a heartbroken man!Such a painfully life!

He thought his life would be end in such sadness.

But he didn’t know thanks for that his legendary life had just began

Table of Contents

C321 Ocular Familiarity
Nov 4th, 02:47
C322 Piano Playing and Singing
Nov 4th, 02:47
C323 People Around You
Nov 4th, 02:47
C324 For You
Nov 4th, 02:47
C325 Surprise
Nov 4th, 02:47
C326 Condition
Nov 4th, 02:47
C327 Teacher
Nov 4th, 02:47
C328 Argument
Nov 4th, 02:47
C329 Assaulting
Nov 4th, 02:47
C330 Nana
Nov 4th, 02:47
C331 Uncle Li's Nightmare
Nov 4th, 02:47
C332 Wonderful Ketone Body
Nov 4th, 02:47
C333 Big Sister Xin
Nov 4th, 02:47
C334 What to Do
Nov 4th, 02:47
C335 Squire Appears
Nov 4th, 02:47
C336 Mesoscale
Nov 4th, 02:47
C337 Don't Do It yet
Nov 4th, 02:47
C338 Anjay
Nov 4th, 02:47
C339 Shot
Nov 4th, 02:47
C340 Impact
Nov 4th, 02:47