Female CEO's Super Beautician

Female CEO's Super Beautician

359 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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*He was a normal person who at the bottom of society.

In order to gentle and lovely wife happiness, He had worked day and night.

Until one day he found out that his most beloved wife cheated on him…

Such a heartbroken man!Such a painfully life!

He thought his life would be end in such sadness.

But he didn’t know thanks for that his legendary life had just began

Table of Contents

C101 I'm Gonna F*ck You
Nov 2nd, 00:25
C102 Mysterious Basement
Nov 2nd, 00:25
C103 Assassination
Nov 2nd, 00:25
C104 One's Own People
Nov 2nd, 00:25
C105 Trouble Is Coming
Nov 2nd, 00:25
C106 Qiao Xuewei
Nov 3rd, 00:24
C107 Eavesdropping
Nov 3rd, 00:24
C108 Mandarin Duck Bath
Nov 3rd, 00:24
C109 A Picture of a Dream
Nov 3rd, 00:24
C110 Gangster Gang Leader
Nov 3rd, 00:24
C111 Surprise
Nov 4th, 00:25
C112 Because I Love You
Nov 4th, 00:25
C113 Who Are You
Nov 4th, 00:25
C114 Push into the Abdominal Cavity
Nov 4th, 00:25
C115 Plotting Revenge
Nov 4th, 00:25
C116 Fishing
Nov 4th, 02:47
C117 Ball
Nov 4th, 02:47
C118 Sudden
Nov 4th, 02:47
C119 Danger
Nov 4th, 02:47
C120 Bye Sis Xin
Nov 4th, 02:47