Full-time Teacher

Full-time Teacher

1150 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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As long as I become a teacher, I will never allow anyone to call me student scum!

Table of Contents

C41 A Man's Mouth Deceives a Ghost
Dec 17th, 10:28
C42 Night Fragrance Outbreak
Dec 17th, 10:28
C43 Complete Collapse of Chen Shaojun
Dec 17th, 10:28
C44 Teacher Please Don't!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C45 Teacher Jiang Li Wants to Visit Home
Dec 17th, 10:28
C46 To Chen Lin's House
Dec 17th, 10:28
C47 Teacher Get out of Here!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C48 Eater Jiang Li
Dec 17th, 10:28
C49 The Story of Chen Fan(1)
Dec 17th, 10:28
C50 The Story of Chen Fan(2)
Dec 17th, 10:28
C51 Roof Confrontation!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C52 Jiang Li You Are Truly Shameless!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C53 Jiang Li Can You Give Me Some Face!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C54 What's Wrong with Letting Little Sister Play Around
Dec 17th, 10:28
C55 The Owner of the Flower Arm Was Stupefied!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C56 Winning Big Awards!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C57 Instant Kill of Panther
Dec 17th, 10:28
C58 But Do Not Ask for a Good Future
Dec 17th, 10:28
C59 Jiang Li I'll Kill You!
Dec 17th, 10:28
C60 Let Me Buy You a Doll
Dec 17th, 10:28