Full-time Teacher

Full-time Teacher

1150 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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As long as I become a teacher, I will never allow anyone to call me student scum!

Table of Contents

C141 For Wang Lang's Five-person Group See!
Nov 4th, 02:54
C142 Ghosts Chen Shaojun
Nov 4th, 02:54
C143 Chen Lin Was Scared Senseless
Nov 4th, 02:54
C144 Double Killing
Nov 4th, 02:54
C145 Retribution
Nov 4th, 02:54
C146 Calmness of Wind and Waves
Nov 4th, 02:54
C147 Lone Wolf Li Yan and the Lonely Woman
Nov 4th, 02:54
C148 Hades Chu Xian`er
Nov 4th, 02:54
C149 Refusing Solo!
Nov 4th, 02:54
C150 It Is too Early for Song Que to Show His Skills
Nov 4th, 02:54
C151 Idiotic Ma Chen Lin
Nov 4th, 02:54
C152 Score Equalization!
Nov 4th, 02:54
C153 For Barbecue!
Nov 4th, 02:54
C154 It's over If You Run
Nov 4th, 02:54
C155 The Battle of Eating
Nov 4th, 02:54
C156 The Fiancee Came to Visit
Nov 4th, 02:54
C157 Please Don't Say Anything Strange!
Nov 4th, 02:54
C158 National Day Arrangement
Nov 4th, 02:54
C159 Training Abroad
Nov 4th, 02:54
C160 Boarding Departure!
Nov 4th, 02:54