Be With The Female Warrior God

Be With The Female Warrior God

529 Chapters
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When one hears of transmigration, the first thing that will pop into their head is becoming a great person in another world, acquiring some overbearing system to back you up, or having this cool golden finger that makes things easier.

In all these scenarios, you'd be picturing yourself as a human, an animal at worst. Even so, you'd be the kind of animal that could turn back human at some point.

Who would ever think of becoming an object in their net life?!

And yet, after dying from Aids in her previous world, she opens her eyes only to realize she's become some box?!

After studying her new entity (body?) carefully, she realized she'd become a chest! A treasure chest! Of all the things she could be, why a chest? And she could actually walk?!

What kind of bizarre world did she find herself in?

How is she going to cope with this new body and identity?

In the end, why did she become a treasure chest? Would she ever be able to turn human?

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