Immortal Rising In The City

Immortal Rising In The City

212 Chapters
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After a devastating breakup, Wang Feng finds himself at a crossroads on a seaside bridge.

As he grapples with his despair, he witnesses a beautiful heiress in danger, and despite overwhelming odds, he steps in to help. But his heroics lead to a deadly encounter, plunging him into the sea.

Just as he's about to meet his end, an ancient power awakens within him, offering him unimaginable strength and a mission of vengeance.

Can this newfound power save him from the abyss?

Table of Contents

C101 A Confrontation!
Sep 7th, 00:00
C102 Flaming!
Sep 7th, 00:00
C103 How Bad Are You?
Sep 7th, 00:00
C104 Who Is the One Who Came?
Sep 7th, 00:00
C105 Trading Blows!
Sep 7th, 00:00
C106 Secret Information!
Sep 8th, 00:01
C107 The Psychiatrist Went Crazy!
Sep 8th, 00:01
C108 A Warmhearted Man!
Sep 8th, 00:01
C109 A Night Attack!
Sep 8th, 00:01
C110 Misunderstanding!
Sep 8th, 00:01
C111 Meeting!
Sep 9th, 00:01
C112 Negotiation
Sep 9th, 00:01
C113 Battle!
Sep 9th, 00:01
C114 Interrogation!
Sep 9th, 00:01
C115 The Night Was Dark and Windy
Sep 9th, 00:01
C116 Robbery!
Sep 10th, 00:01
C117 Distributing the Loot!
Sep 10th, 00:01
C118 Cut the Weeds and Remove the Roots!
Sep 10th, 00:01
C119 What Relationship Do You Have with Each Other?!
Sep 10th, 00:01
C120 How Frustrating!
Sep 10th, 00:01