Immortal Rising In The City

Immortal Rising In The City

212 Chapters
5 ups / day
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After a devastating breakup, Wang Feng finds himself at a crossroads on a seaside bridge.

As he grapples with his despair, he witnesses a beautiful heiress in danger, and despite overwhelming odds, he steps in to help. But his heroics lead to a deadly encounter, plunging him into the sea.

Just as he's about to meet his end, an ancient power awakens within him, offering him unimaginable strength and a mission of vengeance.

Can this newfound power save him from the abyss?

Table of Contents

C181 Let's See Who Is Being Invited away
Sep 22nd, 00:01
C182 The Lobby Manager
Sep 22nd, 00:01
C183 Who Is the Boss?
Sep 23rd, 00:01
C184 False Love Rivals
Sep 23rd, 00:01
C185 The Dreamlike Awakening Technique!
Sep 23rd, 00:01
C186 The Poison of the Banquet
Sep 23rd, 00:01
C187 The Spiritual Attack
Sep 23rd, 00:01
C188 The Psychokinesis to Protect the Master
Sep 24th, 00:01
C189 Nightmare Curse and Phantom Sabre Circle
Sep 24th, 00:01
C190 The Three Forces Meet
Sep 24th, 00:01
C191 Mano Luo Town
Sep 24th, 00:01
C192 Dragon Pool and the Others
Sep 24th, 00:01
C193 Mero Armed Power
Sep 25th, 00:01
C194 The Four Great Mercenary Groups
Sep 25th, 00:01
C195 I Want a Gold Mine
Sep 25th, 00:01
C196 The Defective Beast Warrior
Sep 25th, 00:01
C197 The Savior of the Day
Sep 25th, 00:01
C198 The Snake Has Seven Inches
Sep 26th, 00:01
C199 A Special Sense
Sep 26th, 00:01
C200 The Crisis of Guardian Star
Sep 26th, 00:01