Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

1025 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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*What If a Kung Fu Master travel to the age of the Three Kingdoms.

In order to survive the chaotic times, Liu Ye, a martial arts master, stepped forward into the late Han Dynasty.Step by step from a wandering hero of the Fallen School to be a hero of the late Han Dynasty.

"Gonggwu Yong, ten times stronger than Bu!" Lubu was a great admirer.

"Master's strategy, makes all the world's strategists ashamed." Guo Jia was convinced.

Table of Contents

C361 Non-self Group
Nov 4th, 02:46
C362 Dioscorea Zingiberensis Hemsl
Nov 4th, 02:46
C363 Beheading a Hundred Thousand
Nov 4th, 02:46
C364 On-the-spot Decision
Nov 4th, 02:46
C365 Black Bandit
Nov 4th, 02:46
C366 Center Dispatch
Nov 4th, 02:46
C367 Keeper
Nov 4th, 02:46
C368 Old Earth Resurrection
Nov 4th, 02:46
C369 Iron Cavalry Protrusion
Nov 4th, 02:46
C370 No Choice
Nov 4th, 02:46
C371 Jaeger's Gift
Nov 4th, 02:46
C372 Ruining
Nov 4th, 02:46
C373 Forgery Camp
Nov 4th, 02:46
C374 Archaeopterygium
Nov 4th, 02:46
C375 Yuan Shao's Conspiracy
Nov 4th, 02:46
C376 Tongue like a Spring
Nov 4th, 02:46
C377 Farewell Without Notice
Nov 4th, 02:46
C378 Internal and External Resonance
Nov 4th, 02:46
C379 Dusteridine
Nov 4th, 02:46
C380 The World Is in Turmoil
Nov 4th, 02:46