Legend of A Conjure Boy

Legend of A Conjure Boy

371 Chapters
(23 Ratings)
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Spirit Origin, Spirit Master, Spirit Master, Great Master, Spirit King, Spirit Master, Spirit Tyrant, Spirit Sovereign, Spirit Emperor, SemiGod, True God.

On the continent, winds were blowing and clouds were surging. A resolute youth was moving between the magical beasts, the barbarians, the humans, the powerful beastmen, and the elves. What I want to describe for you is the growth of a teenager.

No matter how far away one's life was, like a white cloud and a blue dog, no matter how strong a human was, they would never be able to surpass the blue sea …

Table of Contents

C241 Xue'er's Return
Nov 4th, 04:07
C242 On the Eve of the Great War
Nov 4th, 04:07
C243 Ilya
Nov 4th, 04:07
C244 Black Cloaked Assassin
Nov 4th, 04:07
C245 White Tiger Mother
Nov 4th, 04:07
C246 The Mood of the Warlord
Nov 4th, 04:07
C247 Semi-divine Ascending
Nov 4th, 04:07
C248 The Great War of the Gods
Nov 4th, 04:07
C249 Magical Beast Fighting
Nov 4th, 04:07
C250 Fighting at the Position
Nov 4th, 04:07
C251 The Great Benefit of the War
Nov 4th, 04:07
C252 Armageddon
Nov 4th, 04:07
C253 Ethylenetetrahydrazine
Nov 4th, 04:07
C254 Sect Leader Fall
Nov 4th, 04:07
C255 Xue'er Don't Go
Nov 4th, 04:07
C256 Clematis Mollissima Maxim
Nov 4th, 04:07
C257 Party Change
Nov 4th, 04:07
C258 Something's Wrong with Me
Nov 4th, 04:07
C259 Mutual Harm
Nov 4th, 04:07
C260 Fly Far
Nov 4th, 04:07