Spirit Breaking the Heaven

Spirit Breaking the Heaven

546 Chapters
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*Everyone in the world would had awaken a spirit!

But the fate is always unfair to someone.

The strogest could cultivate their spirit, The weakest could not even let their spirit moving a little finger as their wash...

The only rules is this spirital power.

As the poor boy who got his own cultivation foundation destroyed by enemy and eject from his family, He had deeply felt this rule by himself for whole three years.

Until one day, this young bagger had met a mystical old man and became his closed door disciple!

His cultivation foundation was rebuilt !

Now with such gift, Could he rise again and make his enemies pay with their own blood ? Let us find out !

Table of Contents

C301 Intimidating
Nov 4th, 05:51
C302 Forced to Return
Nov 4th, 05:51
C303 The Black Yellow Formless Is Born from the Heart
Nov 4th, 05:51
C304 Arriving at Linjiang City
Nov 4th, 05:51
C305 The Thousand Era Trading Company
Nov 4th, 05:51
C306 Exposing Money to Attract Trouble
Nov 4th, 05:51
C307 Put Your Foot in
Nov 4th, 05:51
C308 He Deliberately Came to Them
Nov 4th, 05:51
C309 2 Million
Nov 4th, 05:51
C310 Long-term Plan
Nov 4th, 05:51
C311 He Went Bankrupt
Nov 4th, 05:51
C312 The Fish Took the Bait and Amassed Wealth
Nov 4th, 05:51
C313 Pretending to be at Grandma's House
Nov 4th, 05:51
C314 Line up
Nov 4th, 05:51
C315 Increasing the Temptation
Nov 4th, 05:51
C316 It Has Been Exposed
Nov 4th, 05:51
C317 His Name Was Moved by the Gambling Arena
Nov 4th, 05:51
C318 Huo Family's Huo Jinshui
Nov 4th, 05:51
C319 You Can't Afford to Bet
Nov 4th, 05:51
C320 Calming down
Nov 4th, 05:51