My Bio Spacecraft

My Bio Spacecraft

508 Chapters
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In the depths of a treacherous coal mine, Situ Yu toils away, unaware of the cosmic destiny that awaits him. Bitterness and sorrow have defined his life, from the loss of his beloved grandfather to the injustices that thrust him into the unforgiving world of coal mining. But an unexpected encounter with a mysterious alien object changes everything.

Bound to an ancient, outer-space warship's core, Situ Yu gains unimaginable power and embarks on a cosmic adventure of survival and self-discovery. As he unlocks the secrets of the warship, he finds himself drawn into a quest for resources and strength, journeying across the planetary universe in search of answers.

Determined to rise above his past and the harsh realities of his coal-mining existence, Situ Yu must confront his inner demons and embrace the power within him. Along the way, he encounters perilous challenges, uncharted territories, and unexpected allies, as he fights for redemption and a chance at a brighter future.

Join him on this epic adventure as he unravels the mysteries of the ancient warship, faces cosmic dangers, and discovers the true potential that lies within.

Will he triumph over the adversities that lie ahead and find the purpose he has been seeking?

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