The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System

The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System

657 Chapters
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Ho Lee, a college student making deliveries during summer break, finds himself in an unexpected thriller when he walks into a trap at an abandoned factory.

Confronted by kidnappers and a captive woman, Faang Yi, Ho Lee hesitates until his mystical Demonic Dragon Clone System kicks in.

Transforming into a Black Flood Dragon, he rescues Faang Yi and disrupts the kidnappers' plans, only to be wrongly detained by the police. Released thanks to Faang Yi’s influential ties to the powerful Faang family, Ho Lee is thrust into a world of luxury and hidden dangers.

What secrets does the Faang family seek to unlock with Ho Lee's powers?

Table of Contents

C201 The Demonic Dragon Showed Its Might
May 23rd, 13:34
C202 Adolescent Stage
May 23rd, 13:34
C203 Go Home
May 23rd, 13:34
C204 Faang Yi Who Was Shocked
May 23rd, 13:34
C205 Reward
May 23rd, 13:34
C206 The Demonic Dragon Leveled up
May 23rd, 13:34
C207 Faang Yi's Vacation
May 23rd, 13:34
C208 The Powerful Attack
May 23rd, 13:34
C209 The Snake Scorpion Beauty
May 23rd, 13:34
C210 The Face of a Foreigner
May 23rd, 13:34
C211 The Demonic Dragon Armor
May 23rd, 13:34
C212 The Development of the Secret Medicine
May 23rd, 13:34
C213 The Secret Behind the School Anniversary
May 23rd, 13:34
C214 The Man's Confession
May 23rd, 13:34
C215 The Confrontation
May 23rd, 13:34
C216 The Complete Set of the Dragon Armor
May 23rd, 13:34
C217 The Ancient Martial Arts Cultivator
May 23rd, 13:34
C218 Zong Xingzhi's Invitation
May 23rd, 13:34
C219 The Cruel Methods
May 23rd, 13:34
C220 The Knife of Hao Hao
May 23rd, 13:34