The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System

The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System

657 Chapters
(11 Ratings)
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Ho Lee, a college student making deliveries during summer break, finds himself in an unexpected thriller when he walks into a trap at an abandoned factory.

Confronted by kidnappers and a captive woman, Faang Yi, Ho Lee hesitates until his mystical Demonic Dragon Clone System kicks in.

Transforming into a Black Flood Dragon, he rescues Faang Yi and disrupts the kidnappers' plans, only to be wrongly detained by the police. Released thanks to Faang Yi’s influential ties to the powerful Faang family, Ho Lee is thrust into a world of luxury and hidden dangers.

What secrets does the Faang family seek to unlock with Ho Lee's powers?

Table of Contents

C101 Physical Education Department
May 23rd, 13:34
C102 Small Conflicts
May 23rd, 13:34
C103 Provoking
May 23rd, 13:34
C104 Helping
May 23rd, 13:34
C105 Preparing
May 23rd, 13:34
C106 Once Again They Met
May 23rd, 13:34
C107 Before the Competition
May 23rd, 13:34
C108 Survival in the Wild
May 23rd, 13:34
C109 Plucking Firewood from the Tree
May 23rd, 13:34
C110 He Fell off the Cliff
May 23rd, 13:34
C111 The House Was Broken into by the Night Rain
May 23rd, 13:34
C112 A Mere Leopard
May 23rd, 13:34
C113 The Shrewdness of the Market
May 23rd, 13:34
C114 No81 Capital Mansion
May 23rd, 13:34
C115 Young Master Zhong's Bodyguard
May 23rd, 13:34
C116 Misunderstanding
May 23rd, 13:34
C117 Disappearance
May 23rd, 13:34
C118 The Panicked Driver
May 23rd, 13:34
C119 Arriving
May 23rd, 13:34
C120 Becoming a Bandit on Her Own
May 23rd, 13:34