Unparalleled Sword Emperor

Unparalleled Sword Emperor

1280 Chapters
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*A young man in a small city who had carried the title of "Seven Years of Being a trash".

One day he had been accidentally reborn after falling off a cliff, had awakened the mysterious power of his bloodline. 

In order to change his fate, after obtaining a powerful cultivation technique, he advanced towards the peak of the martial way!

Table of Contents

C201 The Strong Were also Weak
Nov 4th, 03:46
C202 The Two Girls Chatted
Nov 4th, 03:46
C203 Destroy the Spirit Devouring Worm
Nov 4th, 03:46
C204 Red Small Pebbles
Nov 4th, 03:46
C205 Limitless Pavilion
Nov 4th, 03:46
C206 Temporary with Cangyu
Nov 4th, 03:46
C207 Dicrozama Armor
Nov 4th, 03:46
C208 Exquisite Cultivation Method
Nov 4th, 03:46
C209 Feiying
Nov 4th, 03:46
C210 Celestial Pill Pavilion's Great Competition
Nov 4th, 03:46
C211 Target Celestial Pill Pavilion!
Nov 4th, 03:46
C212 They Are All My Women
Nov 4th, 03:46
C213 Beautiful Men?
Nov 4th, 03:46
C214 The Furious Cangyu
Nov 4th, 03:46
C215 Force Back the Young Lord of Dark Shadow Pavilion
Nov 4th, 03:46
C216 Yuen Huan's Shock
Nov 4th, 03:46
C217 They Are Here?
Nov 4th, 03:46
C218 Meeting Again
Nov 4th, 03:46
C219 You Are My Heaven
Nov 4th, 03:46
C220 The Great Competition Began
Nov 4th, 03:46