Mystique Chronicles

Mystique Chronicles

790 Chapters
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In an ancient realm, woven with magic and mystique, where spirits dance and the line between the immortal and demonic is but a whisper, one would expect exalted cultivators to stand as bulwarks against malevolence, carving out sanctuaries for the mortal souls. Alas, in this realm, the cosmic order is topsy-turvy: demons reign unbridled and mortals are but fleeting shadows, living in perpetual peril.

Enter the tranquil hamlet of Blessed Village, where at this juncture, a grand festivity unfolds.

In the village's heart, a grandiose stage stands, heralding the arrival of the newest champion, a paragon of handsomeness in this peculiar world. As he strides, the very earth beneath groans under his majesty. With a vast stature, his cherubic face seems almost lost atop his voluminous frame. Here, in this realm, weight is the yardstick of allure and might; the heavier one's presence, the loftier their station.

Yet, amidst this sea of opulence, a singular figure emerges, as striking as a raven in a snow-clad meadow: Gu XiaoXing. Slender as a willow, his alabaster skin is marred only by a curious prominence on his brow. An outlier in this world of abundance, he casts covetous glances upon the champion, having once dreamt of such reverence himself.

But the tapestry of fate is intricate. A serendipitous event sees a celestial beetle descend, choosing him as its sanctuary. Thenceforth, his existence becomes a lament; Regardless of how much he consumes, he only grows thinner.

Haunted by the specter of becoming a mere wraith, Gu XiaoXing, with resolute spirit, embarks on a pilgrimage. He seeks the fabled immortals, yearning for their wisdom to restore his essence.

But as Gu XiaoXing's steps take him farther from the familiar, whispers of a forgotten prophecy begin to echo through the winds of time. A prophecy that speaks of a slender soul, chosen by the heavens, destined to shift the balance between light and shadow. As destinies intertwine and ancient powers awaken, will Gu XiaoXing be the beacon of hope in this crumbling world, or will he unwittingly unleash forces beyond any mortal's reckoning?

Table of Contents

C221 Little Six
Nov 28th, 00:00
C222 Ants and Ants
Nov 28th, 00:00
C223 Life and Death
Nov 29th, 00:00
C224 Borrow the Momentum!
Nov 29th, 00:00
C225 Honorable Advent
Nov 30th, 00:00
C226 Life Is Mine and Death Is My Ghost
Nov 30th, 00:00
C227 Tch! You Think You're Worthy?
Dec 1st, 00:00
C228 Framing!
Dec 1st, 00:00
C229 I Am Your Grandmaster!!
Dec 2nd, 00:00
C230 There Is a Resurrection Technique in This World
Dec 2nd, 00:00
C231 An Ant Trying to Shake a Tree
Dec 3rd, 00:00
Dec 3rd, 00:00
C233 The Core Formation Palm
Dec 4th, 00:00
C234 Xu Qianming's Voice
Dec 4th, 00:00
C235 I will Definitely Catch You!
Dec 5th, 00:00
C236 Elder Gu!
Dec 5th, 00:00
C237 Beyond the Mystic Heavens
Dec 6th, 00:00
C238 The Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao
Dec 6th, 00:00
C239 You Are Not a Person and You Are Not a Thing
Dec 7th, 00:00
C240 Read
Dec 7th, 00:00