That night, I got blind

That night, I got blind

284 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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I was blind until one day I had a pair of perspective eyes that could see through everything. From then on, the right is in hand, the beautiful woman is in the arms, all the rivals and difficulties roll away.

Table of Contents

C221 Give me a massage
Nov 26th, 00:05
C222 Director zhao's worry
Nov 26th, 00:05
C223 Threat
Nov 26th, 00:05
C224 Zhao liwen
Nov 26th, 00:05
C225 Negotiation
Nov 26th, 00:05
C226 Do me a favor
Nov 27th, 00:05
C227 One more favor for me
Nov 27th, 00:05
C228 Just want to be friends
Nov 27th, 00:05
C229 Wake up
Nov 27th, 00:05
C230 Pay me
Nov 27th, 00:05
C231 Call wang dafu
Nov 28th, 00:04
C232 Wu ge
Nov 28th, 00:04
C233 Don't wake up and resign
Nov 28th, 00:04
C234 Do it with me
Nov 28th, 00:04
C235 Find a job
Nov 28th, 00:04
C236 Wait and see
Nov 29th, 00:04
C237 Wang da gui's evasion
Nov 29th, 00:04
C238 Blocking wang taigui
Nov 29th, 00:04
C239 Ruthlessness
Nov 29th, 00:04
C240 Escape from guilt
Nov 29th, 00:04