That night, I got blind

That night, I got blind

284 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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I was blind until one day I had a pair of perspective eyes that could see through everything. From then on, the right is in hand, the beautiful woman is in the arms, all the rivals and difficulties roll away.

Table of Contents

C181 End of conversation
Nov 18th, 00:05
C182 The use of wechat
Nov 18th, 00:05
C183 Schedule cancellation
Nov 18th, 00:05
C184 One million
Nov 18th, 00:05
C185 Good play
Nov 18th, 00:05
C186 There's someone behind you
Nov 19th, 00:04
C187 See what you can do to get the money
Nov 19th, 00:04
C188 Never lose
Nov 19th, 00:04
C189 Discredit
Nov 19th, 00:04
C190 A single game to determine the outcome
Nov 19th, 00:04
C191 Two points difference!
Nov 20th, 00:04
C192 Return
Nov 20th, 00:04
C193 Mo wu did not die
Nov 20th, 00:04
C194 You fool
Nov 20th, 00:04
C195 Surface
Nov 20th, 00:04
C196 Exposed
Nov 21st, 00:04
C197 What Can I Do about It
Nov 21st, 00:04
C198 Zodiac foetus
Nov 21st, 00:04
C199 Catch him in the right place
Nov 21st, 00:04
C200 Scolding wang dafu
Nov 21st, 00:04