That night, I got blind

That night, I got blind

284 Chapters
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I was blind until one day I had a pair of perspective eyes that could see through everything. From then on, the right is in hand, the beautiful woman is in the arms, all the rivals and difficulties roll away.

Table of Contents

C261 Commitment
Dec 4th, 00:04
C262 Evening day protected
Dec 4th, 00:04
C263 Sellitto?
Dec 4th, 00:04
C264 I want to go to town
Dec 4th, 00:04
C265 Contact person
Dec 4th, 00:04
C266 Schedule
Dec 5th, 00:04
C267 Chen fang came
Dec 5th, 00:04
C268 Do you remember
Dec 5th, 00:04
C269 Counterproductive disorder
Dec 5th, 00:04
C270 I won't hurt you
Dec 5th, 00:04
C271 Find people
Dec 6th, 00:04
C272 Childhood
Dec 6th, 00:04
C273 Regret chen fang
Dec 6th, 00:04
C274 Phantom wall
Dec 6th, 00:04
C275 Escape
Dec 6th, 00:04
C276 Chen fang's mind
Dec 7th, 00:04
C277 Tian zhen invitation
Dec 7th, 00:04
C278 Tian zhen's change
Dec 7th, 00:04
C279 General master zhao
Dec 7th, 00:04
C280 Spoilage
Dec 7th, 00:04