That night, I got blind

That night, I got blind

284 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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I was blind until one day I had a pair of perspective eyes that could see through everything. From then on, the right is in hand, the beautiful woman is in the arms, all the rivals and difficulties roll away.

Table of Contents

C61 Tofu eaten
Dec 17th, 10:19
C62 Knock back a rake
Dec 17th, 10:19
C63 To the office
Dec 17th, 10:19
C64 Tao ru is fired
Dec 17th, 10:19
C65 Wu ze
Dec 17th, 10:19
C66 Wu ze blackmailed director zhao
Dec 17th, 10:19
C67 Wu ze succeeded in getting his sister-in-law to stay with him
Dec 17th, 10:19
C68 Senior masseur
Dec 17th, 10:19
C69 Beauty change
Dec 17th, 10:19
C70 Tao ru promoted
Dec 17th, 10:19
C71 Wu ze's failure to learn well
Dec 17th, 10:19
C72 Self-trouble
Dec 17th, 10:19
C73 Find out
Dec 17th, 10:19
C74 The relationship between han xue and wang dafu
Dec 17th, 10:19
C75 Han xue's request
Dec 17th, 10:19
C76 Wang dafu's conspiracy
Dec 17th, 10:19
C77 Two eagles with one arrow
Dec 17th, 10:19
C78 Chen fang's ambition
Dec 17th, 10:19
C79 Opportunity
Dec 17th, 10:19
C80 Buy a mobile phone
Dec 17th, 10:19