That night, I got blind

That night, I got blind

284 Chapters
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I was blind until one day I had a pair of perspective eyes that could see through everything. From then on, the right is in hand, the beautiful woman is in the arms, all the rivals and difficulties roll away.

Table of Contents

C121 Zhao xianfeng's story
Nov 6th, 00:05
C122 Wake up from mo
Nov 6th, 00:05
C123 Wang dafu's work
Nov 6th, 00:05
C124 Wang dafu's calculation
Nov 6th, 00:05
C125 Zhang zongsheng's method
Nov 6th, 00:05
C126 Ruse
Nov 7th, 00:04
C127 Tian zhen message
Nov 7th, 00:04
C128 Invitation
Nov 7th, 00:04
C129 Hongmen dining
Nov 7th, 00:04
C130 To dinner
Nov 7th, 00:04
C131 Perspective situation
Nov 8th, 00:05
C132 Is he a man or not
Nov 8th, 00:05
C133 Seeing through trickery
Nov 8th, 00:05
C134 Plan failed
Nov 8th, 00:05
C135 Again
Nov 8th, 00:05
C136 Two fists
Nov 9th, 00:04
C137 Despair
Nov 9th, 00:04
C138 Uncover
Nov 9th, 00:04
C139 Start to run away
Nov 9th, 00:04
C140 Escape
Nov 9th, 00:04