In a world ravaged by demons, people lived in constant fear of getting devoured. Despite all this after nearly 3 years of courting, Mo Fann finally gets to Wed his beautiful bride Bai Jiuyan. On the wedding night, Which should have been the best night in Mo Fanns life, He instead learns a world shattering truth about his beautiful bride.
While Both intoxicated Mo Fann learns that his nearly 3 year love and now bride had actually been a Fox Demon! the entire time!, at the same time while making this discovery Mo Fann is granted a System and becomes a cultivator.
In this world demons and humans are constantly in bloody battles; with the demons consuming human victims and the Demon slayers relentlessly vanquishing demons wherever they can. Mo Fann has to make a decision to Protect his Demon wife from Demon Slayers and demons alike.
His decision will test his Love for his beloved to its absolute limits; will Mo Fann be able to protect his Wife from danger? Will Mo Fann’s love for his wife be able to overcome all that will be thrown their way? And will society ever accept a union between a Human and a Demon.