Reborn From The Apocalypse

Reborn From The Apocalypse

1212 Chapters
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A devastating and an unprecedented disaster streaks across the earth causing about the sudden collapse of the entire mankind civilization.

Monstrosities and behemoths turned the whole realm into a battle ground filled with slaughter and death where humans strived to survive.

Two months before the start of the apocalypse, Qin Feng, currently an ordinary guy, gets reborn from the impending doom where he had spent ten years fighting for the survival of his people.

In the apocalypse, being a fourth grade super-powered human, Qin Feng joined an elite force created to kill monsters earning him enough experiences to allow him to prepare for the disaster.

With all the future knowledge intact in his mind, he sets to prime everything in preparation, avoiding all the mistakes and blunders that he made leading to conspiracy and betrayals.

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